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Everything posted by Apache4

  1. I'm hooked up to my router via ethernet cord and I still have the same problems you do. I get lag in every game and it says my nat is open, so I dont know what the deal is.
  2. Apache4

    Feels cheap

    Yea the covenant ship explosion in the first level is pretty weak. Ill agree with you on that. But the animation and gameplay throughout the rest of that mission is pretty epic. That level blew me away.
  3. Apache4

    FaTaL's Review

    Its easy to make mistakes on a cell phone. I gave it an edit pretty quickly. My bad.
  4. Apache4

    FaTaL's Review

    I agree with you on pretty much everything you've said. Well written. When it comes to theDMR is definitely better long range, but mid to close, I still can't decide which I like more. 2v2 should be a playlist option, but I feel like none of the maps are small enough. 3v3 would be cool. I miss multi team, especially assault. BTB assault games were the best. FaTaL, I'd be interested to know what you think about weapon drops, the "perk" system, and weapon placement on the maps.
  5. Apache4

    Xp Limit?!

    This thread is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.
  6. Yea, I was dissapointed they got rid of the red X. I wonder why?
  7. Yea but swat is essentially just more team slayer... 343 should just recreate some of the old maps to add more to the rotation, and throw old playlists back up. Easier said than done, but its what the fans want. Especially those of us who've been playing this game for 11 years.
  8. Apache4

    Stopping Power

    True. Ok, I retract my previous statement. Must have just been getting straight up owned earlier.
  9. They need big team objective. They need classic slayer, they need classic ffa (with territories, and ball games mixed in), they need more 5v5 and 6v6 playlists. Throw all that in there and the complaining will be significantly reduced. Still loving this game. I'd really like to see all that added in though. Good post.
  10. 343, Please bring assault back! And one flag! PLEASE! Big team battle objective! It hurts not to see them in the playlists.
  11. Apache4

    Stopping Power

    Hey doods! 343, I'm loving this game so far. I've been playing Halo for 11 years now and I'm loving the new changes. The pacing is much faster, but I like that. You have to make decisions incredibly quickly, its like an FPS chess match. Alright so my only real complaint is the stopping power. I don't remember the stopping power being so "sticky" in previous halo games. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems a little too much at the moment. I feel like the stopping power shouldn't go into effect, untill the shield pops. Anyway, I could be totally wrong on this. Thoughts?
  12. How does that seem odd? Its the future, theres this crazy bad ass shield technology the military created that gets "overloaded" by high velocity impact, electronic current, emp's, explosions, etc. The sheild is designed to cover a certain area, like the human body for instance. Once the sheild becomes "overloaded" it shuts down to build up enough energy to re-activate. Do you realize how much energy it takes to make multiple rounds of big ass bullets just bounce right off you??? Neither do I, but I'm sure its a $h*t load. What wouldn't make sense is a sheild weaker in some areas and not others. Sheilds should not have weak spots. Thats the whole point of a sheild. Imagine if Link's sheild had a weak spot!? Ganondorf would still be running Hyrule! Think of this futuristic shield as a forcfield thats invisible to the naked eye. You wont even know its there unless you hit it hard enough with something. If you tried touching it, you wouldn't notice anything was there, you wouldn't even feel it. If you punched it however, (assuming your punch is strong enough) you'd be in for quite a surprise after the shield breaks your hand. So, pop that sheild, then go for head shots, or if you're close enough, melee, cheif packs a mean punch.
  13. I agree. The thing that made halo 2 and 3 so addicting was the ranking system, which Reach failed big time on. I hope this game gets a ranking system like halo 2. The only game doing it right with true skill and rank online is star craft. Their system is great. 343 please put the rank in game. Don't leave it as something you have to leave the game for to look at in an app. Competitive and social playlistst please By the way, amazing game! I can't believe how much halo 4 impressed me. Good job 343! Add the rank system in game and you can guarantee long term success.
  14. Fluorescent green bricks! Hahaha! Wish I could upvote that comment. I feel bad for that guy.
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