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  1. Seems like an interesting game type. How exactly do you knock people off? I'm assuming players are invulnerable to damage and whatnot, but it also seems like it would be difficult to knock someone off the edge.
  2. Were I to invoke logic, however, logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
  3. blatantly is indeed the correct term there
  4. I'm sorry, that is also something I heard. Most likely though, no, it is not a rumor.
  5. So if I read in between the lines correctly here, you think halo 4 feels a lot like EVERY OTHER FPS ON THE FRIGGIN MARKET!
  6. So true. Loadouts, perks, and killstreaks are all original ideas thought up by the brilliant minds behind 343.
  7. 343 wants money. They already have maps made. I believe they came with the game and are installed on your hard drive when you installed disk 2, you just don't have access to them. Instead they charge you another 25 bucks to unlock them which will be who knows when. I heard, and this is just a rumor I overheard, that players will be able to submit their own forge maps and the best one will be available for matchmaking as a bi-monthly thing. Good idea but no idea if it's true, as it seems like there would be thousands of entries and no way to view them all.
  8. So you think by making the game like cod that it has somehow evolved? You can't bite off another game and call it evolution. I don't want all FPS games to be the same, but in the future it's looking like that's how it's going to be. "Evolve" this guy says... what a joke.
  9. It's not necessary to have so many threads on the same thing at all. But everyone wants to voice their opinion and sometimes the only way to be heard is to start a new thread. Plus if there was just one thread of people discussing their dislike for the game, 343 wouldn't bother to look at it and they wouldn't care to fix their mistakes. When you have a whole bunch of people who flood (no pun intended) the thread, maybe, just maybe, 343 will take notice. (Unless of course they are just in it for the money, in which case, mission accomplished)
  10. I know this has been brought up before, but this is just getting ridiculous. I'm trying to do the daily challenge of winning 3 king of the hill games, but every time I try to get one started, it just drops me in a game that's half way over and I'm put on the loosing side. Fine whatever, I'll just take the loss and play the next game from the start right? Wrong. After the game ends, everyone in that games leaves so it decides to drop me into yet another game that's almost over and I'm on the loosing team. It seems like everyone is trying to get that challenge right now so once people realize they are going to lose the game, they back out so they can start another one. Has 343 announced that this problem of joining in progress games will be fixed or do they just not care? It's funny, i can't back out while the game is showing me that they are going to dump me in a garbage game, but i can leave the second i join
  11. He's right. It's like if you bought GTA V and they took out the ability to steal cars.
  12. Maybe the mods also dislike halo 4 and enjoy reading what people have to say?
  13. I've said it before and I'll say it again and again and again and again and again. They need to release a classic slayer game type that plays like halo 3. Problem solved, everyone is happy. Am I wrong because nobody on this forum seems to care.
  14. I didn't see any actual thread for this, but I was wondering if they actually will release a classic slayer game type. Like a H3 style of play where you don't get to choose a loadout and stuff. I don't think it's asking for much as the people who like infinity slayer can play infinity slayer, and all the people who are complaining about the game can play classic slayer. I believe this simple game type would make Halo 4 the best halo ever... the best of both worlds.
  15. The assault rifle is stronger in this halo than previous halos, and it has to be or else it would just be utterly useless. The problem I have with the assault rifles is that all the maps are too big, thus rendering them useless unless you camp out is a corridor somewhere. I believe they made all the maps as big as they did because now everyone can sprint, which I hate. To hell with sprint. The OP has some good points and I can understand his frustration. I played reach maybe 3 times before I traded in that garbage game because of how different it was from what halo should be. That said, I do enjoy playing halo 4 for what it is, and it's not halo, though still enjoyable. Frak loadouts, frak sprint, frak ordinance drops. I'm still hoping for a classic halo gametype and that's what keeps me playing.
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