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Everything posted by Warja

  1. Warja

    -close thread-

    im willing to trade locus helmet, bulletproof emblem and longbow theme
  2. I will trade locus helmet, bulletproof eblem and xbox premium theme or deadeye helmet
  3. Warja


    jakethajoker, but I have aleady contacted you. I'm not offering deadeye im offering locus
  4. Warja


    yes it is possible to get from app but its a competition. it's not 100% that you win it.
  5. Warja


    Hello! I am currently trading a locus helmet for a deadeye helmet. If you are looking to trade, respond to his or hit up my gamertag- JakeThaJoker. Once again, I have a locus helmet in my possession and I am willing to trade for a DEADEYE helmet.
  6. Warja

    Servers broken

    Yeah, it's really disappointing. I was playing fine earlier, I guess I will just play campaign for now, lets see how this goes!
  7. Warja

    Servers broken

    I cannot connect to any of my friends games or play online. It keeps saying the servers are offline and my spartan is put back down to level 1 and default armor. This is similar to the bug in Halo: Reach, but It's non-tolerable because I can't freakin' play online or with my friends in any mode whatsoever please help me! ( By the way, I have tried dash-boarding and restarting my xbox!)
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