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Harrowing Omen

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    Harrowing Omen

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  1. Believe it or not, I didn't find a single code stating it's identity for specializations or the map packs. Please coulod somebody describe or provide a picture of what this specific slip in the box looks like? Okay, I've LOCATED the code for the Specializations and map packs, HOWEVER my specializations are still locked. Is this supposed to do this?
  2. I purchased Halo 4 Limited Edition AND the Halo 4 Xbox 360 and I cannot locate a code or directory to my Nine Maps/3 War Games Map Packs? On the back of the Halo 4 sleeve it clearly states we've been given access to these before official release. By what medium? Code, free download in the Halo 4 DLC roster? Please respond ASAP :c I want ALL the content I paid for, not that I could exactly turn my back on the Halo Universe, but I would be rather let down if this was not resolved.
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