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Everything posted by Xspidervenomx

  1. didnt work and that was a huge unfun pain , like the rest of this game.. what a waste of money and my time.. i appreciate your suggestion however. huge auto death fest , they ruined the grenades, weapons, running,, sick of using littleplasma pistols whole game.. crap game
  2. Ok so 22 attempts, Legendary, ship is just sitting there and no lift beam, so me an no one in my fiends list that has Halo 4 (34 people ) can play this mission or progress throught the game.. started over probably 3 or 4 hundred times , cleared caches alla the stuff,, nothing.. So is there a fix or is it broekn because none of us can play theis game. its infuriating that this game is broken!! 343 wont respond in any way , no support.. game is opened want to to return it because it and all of everyone i know cant play this defective Halo 4 game. Any suggestions?? Since 343 wont respond and knows this is an issue?
  3. This game looks amazing . We have two different 3D TV's and would like to enjoy this game in 3d as the box indicates on the back cover. Several hours and can't find any manual, and 3d settings screen, nothing on the disks, no web information. We play 3d games often and are aware of the setting requirements . This is the only game in which we have been provided no information on how to play this game in 3d. TV and console are set to 3d. There is nothing at all in the game menu referring to 3D. Any information would be appreciated.
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