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Grunt (1/19)



  1. this about losing my double xp matches. so first i had got halo 4 last night at midnight and i got home and applied my double xp matches (184 in all). after that i got on multiplayer and played a few matches (had about 170 matches left) then i got off. i got on this morning and played some more. then after one match my rack went down to 1 but i kept playing and wasn't getting double xp. then i couldn't play online, guessing the servers went down. so i went to play custom matches with some friends. after a little bit of that my characters level went back up to 18. so i decided to check i could play online and i could. so i played a match and atfer the match i saw that it said i only had around 40 matches left. but i kept playing thinking it was a glitch but now im down to 28 matches left. if someone could help me out with this id really appreciate it. thank you.
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