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Posts posted by cloakster

  1. Visible per playlist, but then the highest is visible on waypoint.


    Sounds like its gonna show everything in-game and then on waypoint, it puts ur highest rank in your profile. If true, then thats exactly what we want :)

    • Like 2
  2. I've heard a LOT of complaints about the game since release. Im just here to say relax. We have only been in the first month after release, they are still doing system work. New playlists, power of weapon work. maps. To everyone who is complaining about there not being enough maps, the crimson map pack comes out REAL soon. so dont get your covie panties in a bunch. Everyone cool? yea? alright, good.


    "Relax, its just rumours"

    "Relax, its just the beta"

    "Relax, its only the first week"

    "Relax, its only the first month"


    In 1.5 years we will be hearing, "relax, Halo 5 will fix everything"


    We heard all these quotes in Reach and now in Halo 4.


    Games should never be released unfinished, I don't know why people think that it is ok for 343 to do this.

  3. A.) A ranking system is coming during the new year

    B.) Playlists will be updated very soon.


    You complain without doing any research.


    Actually if you want "better things" for leveling up, then you really should go to CoD or BF. Halo 1, 2, 3 or Reach has not ever had features to make you a better player for leveling up. 4 is slightly different, but to say that you should get "better things" for leveling up tells me you've never played Halo.


    Game has been worked on for 2+ years, why is the ranking system coming out 3 months later?

  4. 2. Ordincance drops are not killstreaks, as you can obtain them from any points. It gives the person who can only get assists the chance to get some kills rather than just getting assists. It makes an assist that much more worth it while COD will only reward you for kills regardless of the effort you put into helping your team.

    3. The true skill rank is good, however it causes the incapability to unlock things. Therefore loadouts, armor, armor abilities, specializations, and pretty much everything there is to look forward to in the game get tossed out the window. Also, the true skill rank was abused quite a bit. I recall seeing many people boosting to get their ranks higher, and as soon as that happens the entire system becomes flawed. So it gives you nothing to look forward to and it might not even work. I don't know how that sounds better at all. I haven't been in a game yet where the skill levels were a complete blowout to where one team would lose with only a few kills. You say COD is too balanced to where horrible players can still do well because they play with other bad players yet you insist that matching people with other similarly skilled people in Halo would be nothing like COD.If you are worried about the competitiveness of the game, why not just outscore all of the people in your match, which will earn you more xp and therefore increase your rank at a faster rate. If you just want to show the other players how good you are they do have service records.


    2. They tweaked the killstreaks to work better in Halo, but its still killstreaks and it completely ruins the balance of the game.


    3. You realize how easy it would be for them to add both at the same time. Reach did it in the Arena playlist, you would still earn XP while working towards getting that Onyx badge. Also, Halo is a game of teamwork where it is not supposed to be just one player destroying the rest. That is what CoD is and is the main reason I hate it. I can jump in a CoD game and go 20-2 without ever going into a fight with my teamates....doesn't work the same way in Halo though.

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