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Joshua Workman

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Everything posted by Joshua Workman

  1. I was wondering if Halo 2 and 3 would have their normal ranking system still. I was a huge fan of it, to me it made it worth the challenge to legitly make it to level 50. I found it really boring to only be offered credits to buy different armors can crap. A rank a 5 year old could match up too by playing 8 hours longer than me one day. Seeing someones rank told me how good they were so if I was beaten I known I still need to improve. When I reached 50 in Halo 3 in Lone Wolves, Team Doubles, and in Team Swat I was proud. I worked hard and had a ton of close matches with skilled players. Some people think rank is pointless and not fun to be apart of. Well thats why both halo 2 and halo 3 had social playlists...just for that reason. I would play those too if I just wanted to have fun. So with this collection of my best memories all together in 1 disc, I really hope the ranking system stays the same. Just have a way to report and ban players who boost, derank on purpose, or afk so it doesn't affect us legit players. SInce everyone can capture game play footage and we send a link to what happen please have a ban hammer for those players. In Halo 2 I reach level 30 In Halo 3 I reach level 50 What was your legit rank in both games, and also who wants to join me on my quest to have the first legit 50 in halo 2 if it still exists?
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