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    KSI HyBRiD

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  1. I liked a @YouTube video from @ZerkaaHD http://t.co/2ZpcJz6t TOTY 10,000 FIFA Points FIFA 13 Pack Opening

  2. Complaining will always happen for any game, but there seems to be a huge amount at the moment.It begins to get the point where if this many people are complaining there has to be some level to legitimacy to them right? My issue is all this waiting for playlists to come out, ranked to come out, maps released that are still not in rotation... bear in mind that there is talk of a month or tow before things happen. When we think that the strategy for the 343 halo's seems to be shorter gaps between halo games can they afford to wait this long?
  3. Sorry, to ask again but do we know when this comes back?
  4. I'm sorry but if you had a "legit" 50 on halo 3 you would be on a near 2 K/D on halo 4. I had a lvl 45 and a lvl 48 account on Halo 3 and Halo 4 is much easier to get a good kill to death on. Sorry to be a cynic but after playing 4k + games of halo 3 and I feel that I've got a fairly good grasp of how good a lvl 50 would be.
  5. I liked a @YouTube video from @hybr1dx http://t.co/pzyvETlR Lets Play Minecraft: Sup Minecraft Episode 1

  6. Well the ramblings of an idiot are always funny. I think Halo has always been the most fun for me when I have had a good team playing with me who communicate and work together, we also have a laugh whilst doing it so it's all good.
  7. Unless I'm being blind I'm unable to find the video in your profile. If its a youtube video you can post the link in your OP to put the video there.
  8. If people want to add me im cool for playing games im usually getting around the 20 kill mark plus i can play objective. My gamertag is to the left of this post in my Bio.
  9. Glad you agree. I am hoping once they stop this ridiculous playlist cycle they might actually give us a good variety of playlists, with decent sorting.
  10. Ah yes i must have missed it there. I think that 343 need to push more to work with the community for maps, gametypes etc in the coming days. Forge is feeling under used so far, and though there is no forge world there are still some forge maps that can used to improve playlist map selecttions
  11. Seems a good playlist selection though Snipers needs to be in there somewhere Definitely agree with having classic/throwback experience included somewhere
  12. So having a single list of playlists seems a bit redundant to say the least especially when you have to scroll to see a playlist, that's not very good in terms of HCI, as you should always be able to see the playlists at first glance. In my mind the way Halo 3/Reach separated the playlists into groupings makes the lists much more manageable and dynamic. Below are suggestions to playlist groupings with suggested defaults and maps for use. CSR Playlist FFA Standard - Mainly slayer with lower chance of objective types. Team Slayer - Basic team slayer Team Snipers - Team snipers Team SWAT - Team SWAT (1 loadout only?) MLG - TBA see my suggestions for playlists as a whole below. (Small maps + community maps) Doubles - See below as well All CSR playlists should playout as classic Halo games (same loadout at start, weapons on map, no abilities? no ordinance, reach kill limit not score) Unranked Slayer playlists Infinity slayer Big team infinity slayer Multiteam Unranked FFA (rumble pit) Objective playlists CTF Oddball Big team objective Skirmish Community Griffball Action sack Flood If you want to add any suggestions or questions please leave a response below.
  13. I'd agree, FFa throwback needs some slayer! but before you can have FFA sure you need some good small maps! Complex is too large for FFA oddball. I really don't think 343 are making the best playlist decisions right now, hopefully they will improve as they gain experience of doing this sort of thing.
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