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Everything posted by NAIIMA

  1. Hi why I have completed the campaign at legendary and it doesnt give me the master chief helmet and visor unlocked? I did with a friend and it did give to him but not to me?
  2. the same , me and some other friends where fooled by their fraudolent publicity to preorder the game to obtain that skin and the italian gamestop when we went to retire told us that only the ones that preordered online woudl get ... now I am really pissed off ...
  3. HEllo , me and other Italian gamers , and friends have decided to prenote the game the 28 of June , We have read a fraudolent publicity on the gamestop.it site , where it stated that the special skin was available to gamestop if you prenoted it with them .... it didn't specify in any place , angle or subtitle that the prenotation shoudl have been done directly on their site and that the order should have been processed online .... When me and a couple of friends had to decide wich shop to chose to make the order we have opted toward gamestop just because we liked that skin .... forest skin This is the raudolent publicity Publicity Now if we coudl read anywhere on their site that the preorder had to be done just on the web and not physically at the shop,( that we would actually even have preferred avoiding us to reach the nearest shop )m we would have certainly ordered it by web and not by the shop . When we went to the shop it was assured us that the skin was part of the preorder bonus .... After months beeing so sure of it's delivery with the prenotation , and we prenotate the limited editions ... We find out at day 6 of nov that we wouln't have the skin because those where only granted to the online prenotations .... I so made a call and mail to gamestop of Italy and they barely answer saying it was just for online , not giving any explanation or customer support for receiving that skin .... Now we really wanted that skin and beeing halo entusiasts you can imagine how pissed are we are and above all others I am , because of the unfair treatment , the simplicistic dismiss of the protest and their clear blatant fraudolent publicity ... I woudl really like to have that skin and was the main reason why I have prenoted it at Gamestop , otherwise I would have prenoted it somewherelse or even abroad perhaps ... What do you think I shoudl or could do to get that skin ?
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