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Everything posted by JAKofA11TradeZ

  1. Look up JAKofA11TradeZ on youtube and you'll find it on my channel there are only two episodes up now and most of it is just goofing off on XBL no trolling just messing around with me and a few others while playing matchmaking and custom games.
  2. Halo Time is a video series I made on YouTube and quite frankly I need a cast, cause I'm tired of going it alone. So to be in the cast you can't be serious all the time you gotta know how to goof off a bit. Also you have to want to be in machinima as well. So message BR 5hAmAN (my gamertag) if you wanna be in, if you have any questions ask below.
  3. I'm hosting a gaming session for 1 hour tonight and I need people to play with who just wanna have fun, yes this will end up on youtube and I can block out your gt if you wish. We're gonna do custom game, match making and spartan ops and just have fun. If your interested message JACKofA11TradeZ (my gamertag) if your interested and add me if you wanna do more videos. If you have any questions post them below. Also I start recording at 12:30 so if you wanna be in the videos message me or post a response below with your gamertag.
  4. Who else here thinks weapons should be aloud to get put down in custom games in a special game mode. That wouldn't be broken at all or explotable especially if they make it so you get 0 exp for this game mode.
  5. For me I have a playlist on my xbox of song specifically for being creative or putting me in a creative mood. I hope my idea help man I know how it sucks to have any kinda block on creativity.
  6. I'm looking for a big base with multiple rooms which include an armory, garage, sleeping quarters, and of course training courses.
  7. Well guys I'm gonna be on tonight so please feel free to join me
  8. I'm starting a new machinima and I need good forgers to help with building a base on Halo 4. I'll be on tonight and a lot after 11, so if your interested to help please post a response and if you could show me some of your work in forge that would be much appreciated. Also you will be credited in for the "set" building in the credits of course.
  9. I'm new to the GameBattles circuit but not to Halo and I'd like some people who are good at Halo to help me train. If you would like to my Gamertag is JACKofA11TradeZ.
  10. Don't worry about that then, as long as you can listen I'm good.
  11. Dude you and me both, I hope one day we can meet in a big tournament and have a big ol' slugfest on Halo 4. Best of luck to you man.
  12. We're a small clan that started out in Halo 3 and I'm the only member left. By joining this clan your doing two things though: 1) Joining a group of people who love Halo as much as you do. 2) And your getting a clan full of people (Hopefully) who will play online with you whenever as long as you ask, and will respect their fellow players. If you want to join you just have to meet a few requirements: 1) You must have a working mic. 2) You must be a team player, this means following directions well. 3) You DON'T have to change your Gamertag. 4) And we don't need another sniper so if you Snipe and you want to join becasue of that well sorry, I'm the clans Sniper and I don't like to share my Sniper rifle. 5) You won't mind being on YouTube. So if your interested in joining up leave a comment with you Gamertag and I'll add you, and invite you to a game which will serve a introduction meeting.
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