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  1. While many good maps in Reach were generally made in one small area, not all were. Races and obstacle courses often spanned the whole map, and that was incredibly fun. I'm very disappointed that we can't even do that anymore.
  2. While many good maps in Reach were generally made in one small area, not all were. Races and obstacle courses often spanned the whole map, and that was incredibly fun. I'm very disappointed that we can't even do that anymore.
  3. I'd much rather have a massive, open Forge World than dynamic lighting effects
  4. The problem isn't the Forge itself, it's the maps. There's almost no room to build and certainly no room for racing maps.
  5. Yeah, mon spawners would be awesome. Imagine being able to spawn Marines and aliens and created a BTB feel to any gametype.
  6. To respond to all the people saying things like "stop pointing out all the minuscule problems," this is a pretty big problem for me, and I think a lot of others. I LOVED Forge mode on Reach and it kept me playing Reach long after release. All they would have to add is a huge map with open space. Even just the same Forge World from Reach would be fine, we just need more space to have fun in.
  7. I want to like Halo 4 forge so badly... it's just so tough with such small maps. Even just putting Forge World from Reach back would help infinitely. Free DLC maybe?
  8. I seriously hope they make a DLC forge world, because right now it looks like we will be able to make next to nothing.
  9. The small white buoys marked the location of hundreds of crab pots.
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