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Halo Articles
Everything posted by Zedzish
At least you can still nade kill the shield lol except when they are across map that bugs me a little lol
Yea i suspected that would be the reason.
Hey guys just something iv noticed is the motion sensor range smaller as a default now? I know you can choose on of the perks or whatever they are of making it larger but has the default shrunk? I find myself misjudging where an enemy is by allot sometimes. Also getting splattered by ghosts? its like i don't see them coming at all i think that could also be more of a sound qua thing but.
My way of thinking was it was made to destroy vehicles right? so why on earth was it ever put in team slayer? where it was just used and abused and just dam right annoying.
NO ARMOR LOCK. Thank god we don't have to deal with that anymore lol the only bad thing is i think im going to have to re learn how to stick people as i totally stopped trying to stick people after all the across map sticks i got only to see the man armor lock ;( Is anyone going to miss it?
Not a fan of joining mid game either and loosing but i guess then you also look at it from the team that are a few men down's point of view and i guess it makes sense. But i didn't think there was anything wrong with the getting penalized for leaving system except when you lagged out.
Hey Fatal didn't reply forgot to reply the other night probably better because in my time away i got over it sorry for accusing you of being a selfish assassination stealing lowlife (may not of said that but i did imply it) and sassing on your KD a little im sure you are a good player and i commend you on your team goal focused approach. If you would like to play with me sometime i am up for that i think you would find i am a good team player lol No hard feelings Love Zedman Also sorry for the trolling i was just in one of those moods (you all know what i'm talking about)
Spoken like someone with a 1.31 KD...... lol i have played about 20 more games then you and i am far superior to you in every stat...... little fun fact you have 300 more deaths then me..... I wonder who people would want more on there team someone who claims they destroy people with 2 point kds that will steal your assassinations from you thinks assists are worth more then kills and has a 1.3 kd also claims he is a team player.... or me. lolza
Oh you are so right i am now doubting my ability to play halo wait i have a 2.2 kd in halo 4 and i don't steal peoples assassination. Man how on earth did i ever get those kills without blatantly taking them away from all my team members. Ok so lets get this straight so your saying killing someone that is getting assassinated is helping the team more then focusing on something else. An assist in this game is worth more then a kill and you basically get your kills from taking other peoples assassinations and you think i am criticizing your play style.
My source would actually be all the people complaining about whats wrong with the game every time i join a new match. As for breaking all the records yea it did and yes i was one of those people that bought it because it says Halo on the title. So were are all those record breaking amount of people now? not playing the game because they hate it i would imagine?
Actually know i don't think its rude at all to come onto a halo community forum and tell everyone what you think of the game and how it could be of improved and what is horribly wrong with it. wouldn't that be what you do on a game community forum? Feels a little more productive then going into game chat and bitching with everyone else in the game.
To be brutally honest yes i would rather the guy with more kills why?? well at least that demon-straights to me he can actually kill a man unlike the other guy also who on earth only gets one assist? u basically get an assist in this game for looking at a man. As for you shooting everything that moves i have a question for you what do you think is more helpful to your team a) shooting someone who is getting assassinated or considering that man getting assassinated dead, and putting more effort into killing enemy's that are more of a threat????? also i would consider you lucky if you got me on your team because i would probably have to carry you through it whilst you sat behind me stealing my kills because that sounds like the kinda person you are. But what would i know im not a team player right? FYI when i see someone getting assassinated i go kill someone else!
Obviously its more of a team thing to do to take out the obvious threat. Yes that would be the man in a choke hold with a knife in his neck don't worry about focusing your attention on the rest of the enemy team. But what would i know im not a team player for wanting that assassination i earned.... (full sarcasm intended)
Wouldn't miss you if you didn't post in this topic ( why be so rude?) Yea some really pore decisions which ultimately it just looks like they tried so hard to put their own spin on it when no one really wants a new spin we play halo because its halo.
I actually just put reach in an hour ago. First game team slayer 2 of my team mates dropped out straight away didn't care dished out punishment on people that were inferior because they fail at bloom won the game easily. Now that could not happen in halo 4 because the game has been dulled down for noobs.
Ahh yes... well to be honest i heard more people complaining about everything in this game then they did reach. I mean people absolutely hate this game and hate 343 so i would hope they are going to fix allot of stuff up or they will forever be remembered as the company that ruined Halo.
I have been playing this game for a week now and it just does not feel like Halo at all! I cant actually pin point what the exact cause of this is i think its just all the little things...... I guess we can start with ordinance drops...... really was this such a great idea???? Part of Halo being Halo is fighting over the weapon spawns. That's just how it is! I mean it truly feels like i am just running around a map like a headless, aimless chicken. Their is virtually no reason to hold down any area and it just seems to turn into a big camp fest. Then i pick up some kinda power weapon, i think to myself excellent gonna get a couple of quick kills BAM! incineration cannon. I pick up a sniper kill a sniper get killed by another sniper! how many snipers and massive gigantic explosive weapons can be on one map at a time? Kill cam??? really i like sinking in the occasional deserving teabag to that camping loser that i dislike. instant re spawn????? really what is the point of this? so now their is no penalty for death? And the amount of times i have killed someone to have them re-spawn in front of me and kill me before i have recharged my shields just wow. Load outs? why are we doing this? i tell you what is fair... EVERYONE HAVING THE SAME LOAD OUT! and it has always been like that why change it??? That bolt shot pistol thing....... come on who's idea was it to have a possible one shot kill weapon in a load out??? No Bloom hmmmm well i have been saying this all week you simply cant spam a gun across map and it hit the exact same spot every time. When you get shot you literally have 0.25 seconds to react and hide or you are dead. I was good with bloom and it actually gives you an extra skill to practice and be good at it stops people spamming the trigger and you actually have time to get away. I have a 2.2 KD and i only get matched up with other people with 2 point KD's i know this sounds a little cruel but occasionally i enjoy playing with people that have less skill then me the games are more enjoyable and not some huge campfest's. Not to mention i am Australian so the lag infested games i get put into is just fantastic. Grenades for some reason feel broken to me. I don't know what it is do frags now have an extra bounce or something? It also seems they react to all the surfaces allot differently then they used to and they get caught on corners and so fourth that i sware they should of went past. The other day i though 2 frags one after the other tried to bounce it off the wall and go forward into the corridor i was aiming at. logically they could only go the way i intended but somehow they bounced backwards..... Feels like their is some kinda extra aim assist put simply i have to try to miss a shot. And a sniper wow i pick that thing up and it is sooooo easy to get head shots. Also on the topic of the sniper not getting shot out of scope sucks it has cost me a few deaths trying to kill a sniper. At the end of the day look 343 you did a good job on the campaign but to me the multiplayer just does not feel like Halo can you at least make a more classic playlist and cut out all this extra crap you have added i mean you guys said you were really listening to the community but judging of some of the things you have done it feels like you have done everything but.
What a fantastic idea actually ill better it how about they make a team slayer game type without all this ordinance and perk bull, just how everyone that loves halo wants it to be..... and we will see how many people play 343's "fun" Infinity slayer.
Oh you funny.... Also i never said i had any problem adapting to this play style.(might get on my high horse like Pr0larbear and state i have a 2 point KD in both games) what is there to change well nothing really i have to just spam the trigger as hard as i can, because apparently that takes skill ;P So what do you guys actually think would be better to have bloom or to leave it the way it is????
Hahahhah yea who's idea was it it to put a one shot gun in everyone's load out lol
Hold on a sec ill check if i feel bad........... wait no i don't..... and do you know why that is look how murf started his sentence.. hmmm it seems he is being a little judgmental to some people that are just offering friendly suggestions to what they think would make the game better... but it appears i am the bad guy right?