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Everything posted by Haifisch
The Reason you got stuck at level 31 is because the ranking system was trueskill and the would have been your trueskill rank for whatever playlist you where playing in at the time... That's the way it works so you must have been losing and winning around the same amount making it harder to rank up... But yes Ranking need to be Visible ..
I have been waiting awhile along with quite a lot of other people for this ranking system that was meant to show up in January 2013. Now obviously that didn't happen and we have been told its now going to be April, Now my problem is not the fact that there is going to be a ranking system it's the fact that its not going to be visible in game, What kind of sense does that make. I really don't understand why they wish to basically hide your rank from other players, Does 343 not realize that a proper visible ranking was what kept people playing Halo 2/3 for so long.. I understand that they are trying to get more casual gamers but casual gamer DO NOT keep you game going as they are fickle and will always move on to the next newest game. Also lets be fair Halo going all Exp on us to try and get the CoD players in is never going to work as you still have to have some form of accuracy to play Halo unlike CoD where all you basically need its a full automatic and spray and pray... ............................... Halo CE was the Reason I bought an Xbox / Halo 2 was the Reason I Kept it / Halo 3 was the reason I bought a 360, Now since Reach I have been left wanting a good online MP game with a Proper ranking system which just seems like it is never going to happen. 343 needs to realize that Reach failed a it had now visible ranking system just a Terrible arena and putting a none visible ranking system in Halo 4 is not going to bring back the competitive players because they have already long gone back to Halo 3 where winning means something.. I believe it should be a Social playlist for the casuals and a VISIBLE ranked playlist for the people that like to play with people of a similar skill and have good games where if you win you rank up and if you lose you get punished by ranking down. .......... Last thing, I also believe that the lack of a ranking system in this game and lack of other game being difficult to complete is fully based on most New/Younger gamers wanting something just for playing and not wanting to better themselves/ Improve. I know this does not apply to all but IMO at least %90 of these people are like this. Anyway 343 you need to get thinking about making Halo 5 amazing otherwise you be ****** as a lot of people are getting tired of this ****.
OMG I hated amour lock ...
I'm sorry but the Boltshot has kill me more than 3 Spartan Lengths away and I have had full shield .. That is overpowered ...
I have seen a few post about this but not many answers to why 343 felt it necessary to give you a god dam mini hand cannon as a secondary weapon .. I can understand that they felt the need to have a pistol of sorts to go along with the Plasma and the Magnum but this weapon if far to overpowered ... I hope to god that 343 sort this mess out, The only thing the Boltshot reminds me of is basically a Mauler and that was just basically a Smaller shotgun, There is just know need for this weapon to be a secondary if they want it in the game it should be in an Ordinance drop or on the map which I would prefer .. I would like to hear peoples views and experiences they have had using and having the weapon used against them ..
If they do decide to re-make any of these maps they will have to remove the likes of Sprint and other **** that wasn't in Halo 3/2 other wise the maps will just feel far to small. Can you imagine sprinting around on Guardian all anyone would do is sprint beat down sprint beat down .. I hope if they do decide to bring any of the old maps back like Guardian/The Pit/Narrows that they create an old school playlist to go with otherwise I'm not sure if it can work ...
Forget about the bad maps try fixing the problem of not zooming out after you have just been god dam shot .....
Since Halo 2 the skill gap has gradually decreased but yes each game since then has become easier and easier to play I will agree with that ..
I wouldn't say anyone can pick up the game and be good at it but it has definitely made it easier to snipe. I used to love getting shot by someone in Snipers n Halo 3 then you would snipe them back and you would have a little no scope battle that just doesn't happen anymore in Halo 4's snipers. Halo 4 snipers just seem to sit in Dark corners waiting for you to move which in all honestly makes the playlist slow paced and boring ...
Exactly couldn't agree more ...
of That's not true in the slightest all you have to do it press the zoom in button again or even shot the other person causing them to zoom out to or if it's Snipers just No scope ...
They need to implement a proper Ranking system in to this game as well so It's give people a reason to try and win games and and start using there mic's again ... I never seem to come across anyone using their mic's anymore as they are not playing to win they are just playing to get that next piece of ExP ... I am looking forward to the MLG playlist but as stated above there is so much needing to be done with this game before it can be truly fantastic.. This game has potential but so far it still has a long way to go ....
Does anyone out there have any further information on this Ranking system that is due to be coming out i.e a date or how it will work... I'm seriously getting a little bit bored of playing, ExP systems just don't do it for me. Also the lack of people using mics in this game is is going to prove to me that no one seems to care about winning as they rank up even when they lose. Any Information on this Ranking system and an expected due date would be gratefully appreciated.... Also if anyone wants to leave there thoughts on the current progression system and what they would like to see when the Proper ranking system comes out feel free to do so .. I would also like to hear peoples thoughts on the none weapon spawns on the maps and the fact that when you get shot you don't zoom out ... I really want to see weapon spawns come back on to the maps and I just don't understand how you can stay zoomed in when getting shot for me this just shouldn't happen....
The could just go back to where they pick the Map and you Veto against it onl yto be given another random map just like it was in Halo 3 .. That would solve any problems of repeating the Same map over and over again.. Also doing it in this way forces people to get better at more than just 1 or 2 maps ..
I'm sorry but the Drop In Drop out system is terribly broken in the first place starting Games 2 v 4 1 v 4 even sometime I have had games start 4 v 0 which is just stupid .. The System doesn't work properly at all and encourages people to quit as they can leave unpunished and jump straight in to another game.. Out of all the new features that have been added to this game I find the Drop in Drop out system to be one of the worst that and not having weapons spawns on the maps ..
I am sorry but you have to be punished for quitting a game people are dropping like flies if you get like 3 kills behind in a game. I have literally just finish a game where there was a total of 14 different players in the game and I got put in when they had already started. allowing people to quit if and when they feel just ridicules what the other Halo's tried to do. In reach you where punished with yes a minor 10 minute ban and in Halo 3 you would not only lose Exp but also potentially lose rank because of quitting. I am so sick of people quitting games and nothing happening to them at all for it... Not punishing people for quitting is IMO encouraging people to quit when they get behind instead of sticking it out and trying to win. Basically as soon as it gets a little hard people run off and try and find an easier game to massage their ego. Now I know a lot of people out there are going to say that's what the Drop in Drop out system is for but to be honest I believe this system has only encouraged people to quit more.. I am dead against the Drop in Drop out system and again I know people are going to sit there and say well with out that system you would but a man down because of that person quitting but to be honest in some game types like Swat being a man down tends to run in your favor.. All in all I believe there need to be some sort of punishment for leaving a game early and I'm not talking a mere 10 min ban.... I would like to hear other people thoughts/experiences of people quitting out of their games and if they believe that there should be some sort of punishment for the people that quit out regular...
I would like to know how you can claim I am a bad player having never played with me or against me. I am one off those people that runs around with a sniper (sorry if that upsets you) also when I get a sword I run around with My primary weapon and switch to sword if needed.. As for finding a better weapon I am talking about Swat there are no better weapons and to be fair in Halo 4 there are very few weapon spawns as you earn them via getting a Kill/Assists In halo 3 taking out campers was easy as you could just leave them there till a weapon spawned or as you say bounce a grenade (back when grenades bounced properly) In Halo 4 again grenades are not always there to collect as again they are random spawns. To be honest if you camp for your Sprees that indicates what type of player you are.. I would never dream of camping to get a higher spree I just get one no need to camp. Anyway you have got well away form the point of the fact that I don't believe that Complex is a good map choice for Swat.. I was also trying to find out what maps people would like to see brought back// You have just came in here claiming people are bad at the game and that you are some sort of mighty power that can decide this. Anyway enjoy your camping hopefully when the Ranked playlist comes in they will also sort out the weapons to spawn on the map and not have a stupid kill streak reward to get a power weapon and instead promote mobility around the maps instead of camping..
Drop in/Drop out system is Beyond retarded I have even had games start with only one team instead of the 2 and the game instantly ends .. I have also had games start with 1 v 4 1 v 3 2 v 4 and so on.. If someone quits they should be punished in Halo 3 they lost Exp and would rank down and in Reach you got the Super nanny treatment of being put on the naughty seat for 10 mins this was not enough. the problem is with Halo 4 is that it makes it far to easy to quit. I for one if I get put in a losing game that I am behind more than 10 kills I don't even start it I just leave and search again because I refuse to have to start behind and bust my balls off just to get Exp which I couldn't give a **** about in the first place. When the ranking system arrives the System best be gone for ranked matchmaking. I also heard the reason for the drop in system was because one of the people from 343 couldn't wait 4/5 mins for a game to finish to play with his friends ... Which IMO is no reason what so ever to bring it in he should have just sucked it up and waited the god dam 5 mins for the game to finish...
Couldn't agree more with them comments you have made there. %110 there should be a respawn time just the normal 5 seconds for Slayer and 10 for objective ...
I'm sorry but Camping is just terrible it shows IMO a lack of Skill and slows they game down to a crawl. I'm not saying Complex is a bad map I'm just saying that the map does not work well with Swat at all ..
The reason you are having these problems is the same reason as when it happens in CoD ... The game is Hit Scan therefore when the shot has been fired you have been hit but the game itself is moving to fast so when you get to see it in a Kill Cam it shows the persons shot missing but in reality it has hit you and you have just moved before hand.. That's one of the main problems with hit scan. In Halo 3 when you had to lead you shot it took you movement into consideration where as with hit scan it does not, I hope this help a little but I can understand your frustration when it seems like the person shooting it missing you.. Also for the backsmack or grenade thing that is just Host and you can only ever normally find out what happens when you go back in theater this problem also existed in Halo 3 ....
I think it just comes down to the fact that pretty much anyone can pick up CoD and be good at it with in a Short period of time where as Halo takes time and Practice along with learning the maps and when things spawn (well back in the good old days when things spawned on maps) ... The whole CoD thing for me is the fact that it is a game of who sees who first pretty much always wins the battle ... Halo 4 does require some skill but they have removed a lot of the tactics by removing weapon spawns and making it instant respawn ..
I have been playing swat since the day it was released and I truly feel that the map complex should be removed from the playlist as it's too big for a Swat map and has far to many wide open spaces which a DMR destroys .. As far as I can see all the map complex encourages is Camping in this playlist as everyone seems to scared to move in case they have their head blown off. Or you could be a player like me who is willing to go out and about in the map but then just get picked off by the campers who are to scared to move . Now complex is personally one of my favorite maps but IMO it just doesn't work in this play list. ..... Feel Free to discuss ... Also I would like to know what maps you would like to see remade and your reason behind it. I would like to see The pit remade for the old school capture the flag games. I would also like to see Guardian for FFA and Swat ...