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Jackal (2/19)



  1. i have always been a huge fan of the forge option in the halo games its a great way to just **** around and kill some time i love building strategy maps and race tracks and even the maps i call (just for fun maps). i have been fooling around on halo 4 Forge and i realized that you cant have infection (flood) game types with vehicles also there is no race types nor the maps big enough for something like that. So far impact is my favorite map it is also the largest but still i want to build a race type map so i'm wandering if there is any plan of a forge map being released later and if there going to add to it
  2. i was a big halo book fan but halo reach and halo 4 both destroyed the storyline in the books no they dont show his eyes i saw a video on you tube that showed his eyes and you can tell that the eyes were added
  3. didact didn't die he fell to earth at the end of the campaign they showed a squad of medics exiting a pelican on Earth and finds all these piles of ash
  4. The didact is not dead why else would there be piles of ash on earth at the end of the campaign so my guess is that master chief isn't the only one that can survive a fall from space seeing how they never found his body
  5. i would like to see forge world from HALO REACH to return i don't like the new maps there to small and i want to have race types returned.
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