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Tyler Starr

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  1. Last night I was able to dive into the campaign. Loving it, or am I? So, during my exploration of the campaign, I came across a Banshee and of course I throw Master Chief in the cockpit. That WAS terrible! I was like a 14 year old kid that grew a foot over the summer and cant manage to walk ten feet without tripping. I couldn't manage to control the Banshee without hitting every cliff or forerunner edifice in the landscape. It could be that I have absolutely no ability to control the Banshee, OR it could be that 343 industries has neglected to include inverted flight controls. The option to invert the Y axis is available for control of Master Chief (thank you for not overlooking that 343) so it is completely logically that the option to invert the Y axis for flight controls should be included. Sadly this is not the case. 343, please take this seriously! I know from experience with my fellow Halo compatriots, who vehemently complain when I have to pause a game to change the control scheme, that I am part of the minority that can't live without an inverted Y axis. But, does that mean that myself and others included must conform to play Halo the 343 way or that we can play Halo our way? Like we have been doing for the past 10 years. So far I'm enjoying my Halo 4 experience, but I really can't enjoy a full measure of Halo 4 until the Y axis can be inverted for flight controls and any other controls that I have yet to come across in the game.
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