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    UNQ UncagedRage

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  1. The killcams must be off. I was watching a bunch last night and like you said. At times I was dying when I wasn't even in the vision of the person shooting me. It was making no sense at all. I just suspect they aren't showing correctly...either that or there is something terribly wrong with how you take on damage!
  2. I'm using Recon and everything seems the same except X is now sprint and my darn grenade type button is switched to the Dpad which I hate!
  3. It's cool that they have 3 variants now, but there isn't really one that's huge like Forge World was in Halo Reach. I could see how some Race Map people won't be as happy. I haven't actually gone in and looked at Forge yet, but I did just watch the video and there just doesn't seem to be the variety of land like you got on Reach. I'm sure with the three of them though there will be plenty of fun/cool things to do.
  4. I don't see how this would promote camping...if you can use it you can find campers anywhere!
  5. I've never hated any of the Halos...adapt and play!
  6. I was pretty sure that Pro just meant you didn't get your radar...
  7. Something about the layout just seems off. The layout and stats from Reach were perfect...or maybe I just got used to them. I also liked the first load out from Reach showing winner and by how many kills to how many kills as well as the top medals from that match...though I sure would hope if 343 ever does top medals they get rid of First strike. That was stupid how Reach had that as a top medal you had to see after ever game!!
  8. I never understood why they got rid of Team Double Arena. Loved that! They should at least have more ranked playlists. As for the OP, I agree with many of your complaints. Though I don't mind the change of pace and learning a new game. I never played CoD so I can't attest to the similarities. See comments below in red.
  9. Me too. Wish there was a way to just save my preference and have it just respawn me. Very seldom do I actually go, "Hmm, I'd like to watch that and see how I died." Usually I know exactly how and why!
  10. Post was made by an 11 year Halo Player!!! Not an 11 year old Halo player!
  11. My thoughts exactly! It's cool you can get a new player if you have a player quit, but as someone joining games I hate getting thrown into a game in the middle and I'm on the losing team. (Which will probably most likely be the case as many people that quit, quit because they are getting their butts handed to them!) So not only does it put you on a team of people that are probably lacking in skill but you end up with the Loss on your record and I just don't like that. It was a nice thought, but I'd rather just not have the ability to join games in the middle. It's skewing stats.
  12. Blah blah blah! The Gremlin is an awesome little car!
  13. Along those lines it would be nice if when you were using active camo it didn't jam your own radar. Always hated that...then I couldn't even tell where the enemy was. On top of it not actually being invisible when you were moving I rarely used active camo and will continue to not if it stays the same.
  14. I can't get Waypoint to load properly online. Looks like you still only beat it on Co-op? And I can't see your times..
  15. The Rage can by caged, I save the uncaging for matchmaking!
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