I'll go against the grain and tell u what Black Ops 2 offers that is better than Halo 4
- Minimap. In Blackops, it DOESN'T show you where everyone is. I hate this in Halo 4. You can't sneak up on anyone to pull off sweet assassinations. Everyone can see you at all times. In black ops, you can only see red dots on the minmap when someone fires their gun (provided they don't have a silencer)
- More guns in blops2, and more customization of your loadouts (I like that Halo 4 added more of this to the series)
- Zombies! Why don't we have a "Horde Mode" like GoW or CoD? Sure we have ops, but we want Waves, waves that get harder and harder until your getting smoked, waves that get so hard you need to coordinate with buddies
That being said, it comes to preference. CoD is really fast, split second and your dead. Different feel