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Everything posted by mrpewterschmidt

  1. This is very helpful, thanks Biggles. Can you add in Assault Rifle? I'm finding it to be pretty effective at short range against dmr/br guys, because 1 or 2 misses for them is all it takes me to win a standoff with my AR
  2. really, I hate most of the promethean guns I think they are underpowered, cant stand using the suppressor/bolt but maybe thats just me
  3. I agree with you Bobertz, I would opt for #3 or at least a modified #3 whereby the reticle changes red only at a certain camouflage 'threshold', i.e. if you are 50% camo'd, then the reticle shows as red, but if you are 100% camo'd and standing still the reticle does NOT turn red
  4. I'll go against the grain and tell u what Black Ops 2 offers that is better than Halo 4 - Minimap. In Blackops, it DOESN'T show you where everyone is. I hate this in Halo 4. You can't sneak up on anyone to pull off sweet assassinations. Everyone can see you at all times. In black ops, you can only see red dots on the minmap when someone fires their gun (provided they don't have a silencer) - More guns in blops2, and more customization of your loadouts (I like that Halo 4 added more of this to the series) - Zombies! Why don't we have a "Horde Mode" like GoW or CoD? Sure we have ops, but we want Waves, waves that get harder and harder until your getting smoked, waves that get so hard you need to coordinate with buddies That being said, it comes to preference. CoD is really fast, split second and your dead. Different feel
  5. Helpful, thanks for posting. Didn't know that the AOE before detonation still causes damage to shields/health and also slows vehicles.
  6. 1) you probably played the campaign on normal, so you breezed through it. try legendary 2) multiplayer worked fine for me, didn't get any disconnects. could this be your ISP?
  7. Didn't know they gave that date as a cutoff. what's your source? Could you link the webpage?
  8. Willing to trade for other skins/armors and double xp matches. http://forums.bestbuy.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/1478i4DB54D0A7FDA268A/image-size/original?v=mpbl-1&px=-1
  9. Go back and complain. They have the pre-order slips sitting in the store behind the counter. If you put up a big enough fight, they'll probably give you one just to get you to leave.
  10. When do we get specialization access? The only reason I opted not to buy the LE was because 343 said SE would have early specialization access too. But now it looks like that's not necessarily true. I feel a little mislead. The announcements from 343 lead you to believe that, with SE, all you have to do is sign into multiplayer before Nov 20 and you'll have access. Now, it appears we'll be waiting possibly months for the email code. What's the deal? Does anyone have any real, verifiable info?
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