I'm dissapointed with Halo 4 and I'll tell you why; because it doesn't feel like Halo to me anymore. The new features like kill cams and the weapon unlock system are just as annoying as they are in every other game they're in. Same thing goes for killstreaks and the point system in Slayer. I don't think that we should have to unlock, then PURCHASE our guns (Call of Duty:Black Ops much? Heeeelllllooooo!). Halo: Reach may have had a credit unlock system too, but it was only for armor, so you could go forever without needing to puchase something if you wanted to. The thing that made Halo great for me is that everybody is spawned in with the same two weapons, depending on the gametype, and any other weapons you have to find on the map or in the hands of your enemies.
I don't think Halo needed any more "Innovation", (which is really just a term meaning a change the devlopers made at the behest of the publisher, with threats to pull funding) Halo needed minor tweaks at best, and I hope that everyone at 343 can see that before the release the next Halo game. Which I really hope doesn't become a yearly release because Microsoft wants more money. Because then, all hope is lost, and Halo will never be able to go back to the way it was, when it was at it's best. Unless the path that 343 has set Halo on makes a virtual 360, the only ending I can see is Halo turning into a Halo shaped Call of Duty.
If you agree, copy and paste this into an e-mail and send it to everyone you know who plays Halo, tell them to send it everyone at 343, multiple times a day. The only way things can change is if WE change them. We can't let the corporate money grabbing of Microsoft ruin our favorite fanchise!