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GT Motion

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    GT Motion

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Big team battle used to be fun with tons of vehicles, different power weapons throughout the map, now its just a DMR slugfest! Only 4 maps too, pretty lame attempt at BTB in my opinion. I really was looking forward to this, the single player is amazing on Halo 4, the multiplayer is great too but BTB just sucks now.
  2. I thought the sounds were a major improvement, I love the sounds.
  3. Are you kidding me? There arent enough vehicles, the maps lack vehicle play severely compared to Reach. The vehicle play is down significantly.
  4. Same here man, I am pretty sure its because I like to run around, if I stay in corners and stuff I do better.
  5. I feel the same way, I think I just suck.
  6. I loved playing BTB on reach. The vehicles, the maps, it was so much fun. This BTB just doesn't feel the same. The gameplay is great because 343 did a great job making the game, but its missing something. I think its vehicles. Where are all the vehicles that used to be all over old BTB maps? This BTB is almost just BTB DMR's now. In my opinion 15% vehicle wars 80% DMRs, and 5% everything else.
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