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Everything posted by JCash1313

  1. My Live has been working fine but anytime I put in the Halo 4 disc it disconnects. It's happened like 12 times to me. I have to reset my router and everything each time I play Halo 4. I was just playing a different game online and tried to switch to Halo 4 and it disconnects. What is wrong with it? My connection is perfect on everything else but for this it continually disconnects.
  2. I went 15 and 0 in Big Team Battle, had the last kill as the game kill. You can look at recent history or my File Share and see I went 15-0 but no perfection medal or any addition to the commendation. Wondering if it glitched because I had the last kill for 15 as the game kill and if there was any way to fix this?
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