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Everything posted by RubberNinja125

  1. It's still good, the CR looks good, but just add the number of headshots, the K/D and your best spree underneath where it says "Browse Medals" there's enough space, for it, they could even add "your best kill" by showing the most points you got from one kill.
  2. See now that makes more sense... it stated i have EARLY access to 6, not 6 instead of 1. thank you for clearing that up.
  3. Ok. but what about my early access to Specialisations? what about that content I payed for?
  4. It's been one day man... One day! you are a very impatient individual, things will change over time, weapons will get balanced, maps with alter. It's only been one day, I think you are missing the point.
  5. I preordered the Limited Edition, and it was great, the stuff I got was awesome, but theres still stuff I'm trying to get my head around. The Bonus Content. In this bonus content package I get an alternate recruit Armour skin, and Assault rifle skin. I also get some avatar items, I get access to all the Map packs when they are released... for free. one thing still nags me though, It says that I get early access to 6 unique specialisations, now I'm sure what "early access" means but I assume I get to use them before some other people, but when I go into my Armoury ALL the specialisations are locked, My SR is over 20, so I've played for a while, yet, they are all locked, also I've seen many players who are either lower level or about the same, with much different armour that I haven't unlocked. so now I'm thinking I would have benefited more if I just bought the standard edition, like my friend who got armour codes, and I got skin codes... I believe they kind of messed up on the bonus content a little bit, other than the map packs I think the standard edition has better bonus content.
  6. Understandable. But would you want to go to Waypoint after nearly every match just to see your K/D in a particular match? I personally think it would be much easier to stick on the carnage report.
  7. Don't get me wrong it gives you the right info on your last match, But I feel that it's missing some stuff. I hate to compare but for this example I have to... In Halo: Reach your carnage report showed your: Kills Deaths K/D ratio Headshots and your best spree Now in Halo 4 there's a little bit lacking in the carnage report, I can see how many kills and deaths from the scoreboard, but I can't see how many headshots I had without going to view the medals, It also doesn't show your best spree, again without having to go see the medals, the K/D ratio isn't available either. Thus I have to spend more time trying to find the right medal to see how I did, If all the info above was presented to me I could just flick onto the CR and then flick back to the lobby or armour instead of spending the time trying to find a certain medal or having to work out what my biggest spree was. I know this may sound pointless but It's stuff that I and possibly others think is missing from the Carnage Report.
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