So if anyone is a Halo 3+ fan, you've probably spent hours, upon hours playing trash compactor right? Well when Halo 4 first came out, Arcangel372 and myself spent days recreating Trash Compactor with no reference, just from memory. We spent days perfecting it, and yesterday, which was my third day back from quitting halo 4 I added a few randoms thinking they were people who wanted to play halo from 343i, and other places. Turns out, my map is featured by several other youtube partners other than myself, made map of the week, and is the number one trash compactor map on Halo 4.
I am absolutely shocked by this Just wanted to share the news, and because of this, I'm getting back into forge. I'll be making some doubles maps here soon, as well as some other things. I'm still shocked by this, and wanted to share with everyone, as that's every forgers dream I guess, is to have everyone playing, and absolutely love your map.