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  1. This has most likely been addressed but I'm posting it anyway (and if you couldn't tell, made an account just for this in hopes that the cries will be heard)... Main campaign, Spartan Ops, it seems it doesn't matter what you do the horrendous lag issue has carried over from game to game. For me this all started with Halo 3 and has continued in each installment of the franchise since then. It's only while playing cooperatively with someone but it's a big enough issue that HAS TO BE FIXED. Honestly, there has to be something that can be done about it. Basically (as if you don't already know) anytime you want to get together to play co-op with someone you're always reserving a slot for good ol' Mr. Lag. At first it starts out fine with the game trying to decide who the better host is, but once that's done, Mr. Lag butts his ugly head in and takes over. It's always a .5-3 second delay in everything you do and it seems to be more noticeable during a large vehicle area of missions or ones that have a very dense population of enemies. Only after you've died a half dozen times does the game sort of clear up enough for you to struggle your way through and meet the next wall of lag head on. Obviously, this makes playing the game on legendary virtually impossible. My friend and I who love the game can't play the campaign or Spartan Ops together because of this. Our internet connections are fine, anything that could be done to fix it has been done, we have ZERO issues in any other game so...why...? Why is this now a trademark feature of Halo? What causes this to happen? What's a fix for it? Is there even a fix for it? Please get on this as soon as you possibly can....after 4 previous games that prove the lag exists and does not want to take a vacation this should've been addressed before it released.
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