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Everything posted by MetalGunTalk

  1. Thanks a lot guys! I'll probably be on and off, but most likely I'll make more posts when I'm able to get more active in Halo 4
  2. No, I think he wants simply the audio to play, making a video would not be an issue. When I tried using the [media][/media] parameters with uploaded music, nothing came of it. I'm pretty sure there is a way to code it in, and I know I knew it at one point, I've just been away from website coding for so long... Gah.
  3. For those of you who know me... LOL For those who don't, nice to meet you! I'm a very friendly person, while admittedly insensitive most of the time, I try to care XP. I love anything that has to do with making things on the computer, From coding, to 2d/3d art, to making music. I have a very wide skill set though I'm not an expert in any yet x3. If anyone has any projects in mind generally, if I can't help you out, I can probably tell you where to look to start(Of course this is excluding the obvious hyper specific situations.) Anyways, I'm open to PMs for anyone who needs help, artists, and someone to chat with, at least when I've got the freetime
  4. If its space you're looking for then yes there is a HUGE lack of that. But the player traits zone, gravity zone, and objective spawner, I have yet to try out, but it seems like they're very underestimated by previous forge developers. Also I feel the locking of pieces, while not necessary, is EXTREMELY helpful in making complex objects.
  5. I agree with above, a true MLG team is very hard to come by... And forum post generally wouldn't cut it. But don't stop looking I guess!
  6. Pro tip: Use Science, it helps. Also, personally I like pros who use tactics over necessarily having greater headshoting skillz. It makes for some pretty entertaining videos too x3.
  7. Well, I've noticed some of the mods have music play on their page, I don't know if that is a mod only thing, but I've tried to reproduce such effects and failed. If you or anyone gets any info on this that'd be great to know.
  8. Hello, and welcome. I'm MetalGunTalk, You'll find me mostly in the forge sub-forum. Anyways, have fun!
  9. NICE! Very good job! Thank you. This is very cool, and you can deffiniately see the original in this.
  10. MORE TOOLS. *cough* But ya, blocks are good, but I feel like forge isn't as sandbox as it needs to be. Hopefully future DLC will fix that.
  11. ... Again. As stated before, I disagree, PERSONALLY, not that I think the missing game types do not matter, merely that I value the new ones more. I am not justifying this failure in continuity, but simply saying whats good... As previously said, I also agree that it has A LOT to improve on...
  12. I agree with the map part mostly, especially regarding the spawns, and how everything feels too noob friendly. I feel while the game engine and sounds, and physics seem to be perfected, a lot of the games main mechanics seem to be a bit... underdeveloped. I really do hope that there is a huge, "we're sorry" patch that fixes some of the broken thing, and adds many features.
  13. Again, it was solely an example. I agree that in many ways it is a lets down, But I feel that with the intense amount of binary switch possibilities and how they effect game play is far greater than what was lost, even though I'd MUCH rather have both. And I am disappointed for there being any loss of features at all, and I do hope for a revision of some sort no matter how unlikely. Also: Compensation can't be proven relative to the magnitude of how content one is...
  14. As it is, yes it is lacking, but as I've said previously. In my opinion, the new additions MORE than compensate. Previous post here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/16703-does-anybody-else-not-like-forge-crappy/
  15. I agree, while obviously an infinite map is a bit rediculous. The boundaries being 3 or 4 times the size they are now I feel is reasonable especially on the x/z axis, for it generally requires less changing of the level itself.
  16. Normally I don't do this but.... Please, stfu just a tad. This is kinda like the kid who cries about not getting ice cream in a red cone as opposed to the vanilla normal cone. Wtf? You make this post despite the fact that it is the best ******' ice cream you ever had... C'mon. Also: Weapons seem to work for some. So, check again.
  17. While I agree, there is room for A LOT of improvement, it is far from crappy, especially relative to previous versions. Example: The Player traits changer thingy. COMPLETELY changes the possibilities of halo maps immensely. +Specifically I am going to make a "MoBA" esk game, where the player has 4 points and will choose to add them to Speed, Shields or Damage. Each one can only have three points, and when the points are chosen, there are weapons at the end that are specific to the points you chose. EX: 3 Shield and 1 Damage point would give you a brute shot, and a shotgun or something. Basically though is this gives people multiple styles of play and makes strategy, and team work immensely different from the normal, get the power weapons and don't die halo.
  18. If you want, we can team up for projects. At least, I know for mine I will want it to be very detailed and pleasing to the eye. I can make the engineering, and level progression well enough, but I fear I'd get lazy when it comes to symmetry and cleanliness x3. Actually, PM me if you wanna hear my thoughts on the level I'm going to make.
  19. Also, I won't be able to try the game out till this weekend, but if there isn't a mass select + copy there needs to be. For example: In one of the games I plan to make, I will need 12 different identical rooms. Rather than make then new each time it'd be a lot easier just to copy them.
  20. I really hope that his isn't the case. At least, I hope that they add a new map, I really don't care about the theme as long as the map has space and not a crap ton of things in the way. Also, this is more of a dream, but I do hope that the Forge for halo 4 comes out with additional tools in a kit or something. I'd be willing to pay for such a thing if it introduced things like mob spawners and other game changing tools.
  21. Okay... Someone tell me why the achievements look like chaos emeralds... Not that I'm complaining xD.

  22. Planning a sort of MoBA type game with stats and items that you can upgrade and buy throughout the round. Probably a 4v4 type match. Once I get the system set up, I'll make a post and a video about it, but the rough draft in my head seems very doable, hopefully the forge in halo 4 allows for much more customization than the last.
  23. Going to play Halo 4 for the first time today! FINALLY!

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