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ROG 1CeyMaNe718

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    ROG 1CeyMaNe718

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  1. I was just sent a link to this discussion. I would like to thank 343 industries for including my friend Matt ROG Survivor in the ending credits. I'm sure his family is very thankful to you all. And I'm sure he just beat the game in heaven and smiled when he saw his gamer tag. I'm one of the few that still have him on my friends list and I was playing video games and halo reach long time before we created ROG. I can say for a fact I knew him alot better as TMG Survivor. Lol those were fun days. Playing the game he loved and being with the clan he loved, helped him kind of deal with his problem. But he always stood tall and remained strong. He is "Our Survivor". Thank you 343 industries for remembering him. Jeremy- ROG 1CeyMaNe718 -Co-Founder of ROG.
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