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Everything posted by WhiteDrone

  1. They are jedi. It still is pretty awesome ability.
  2. I have two gamer tags. I have WhiteDrone and White Dr0ne. I redeemed the code for the map pack, early access and armor, on my WhiteDrone account. That account got the armor and I was able to equip it. With my secondary account, after every matchmaking game, It shows I unlock it each time but I am unable to equip it due to when I go to my loadout my MArk Iv isn't there. Anyone else having this issue? edit: After set number of games the notification doesn't show up now. Still would like some answers. This unlock code is for one account only? So my account can only play all the new maps and not my second? Also I will keep unlocking MArk VI on the secondary account when i unlock something new.
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