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Everything posted by MulchChile

  1. You also forget there are those of us who think that vehicles ruin the game. There are those of us who think that people who like to use vehicles are just really bad at this game, and shouldn't be playing. There are those of us who think Ragnarok is the ********* of **** maps that launched with Halo 4, and anyone who likes to play on it is bad.
  2. I know they're adding a ranking system. The point of this thread was to make sure that they get it right. I personally think the Halo 2 ranking system would be best. For any who didn't play 2, people didn't really get to level 50. At first, right when they released the game, the highest leveled people were around 18-20, and anyone higher was a cheater (remember standby!? LOL). Then they released an update that reset the ranking system, then the highest leveled people were in the mid 30's. Though even a Halo 3 system, where people could get to level 50, would be cool.
  3. The underlying problem is that Halo encourages quitting. We're not allowed to choose what we want to play, we pick a gametype and get forced to pick a map. I know for me its come to a point where I will simply just refuse to play certain maps. If I get dropped in one of these maps i'll quit. If maps are being voted on, i'll hold my vote to see what gets picked, and if it's something I think is ****ty, i'll just back out and try again for a map I like better.
  4. Unfortunately a game is a sum of its products. I agree the mechanics are wonderful, but the playlists don't just lack variety, they suck very badly, along with almost all the maps.
  5. Way to go 343. I was excited to hear this game was switching developers, but bungie is so much better than 343. You make your games for 13 year old idiots who like running around with power weapons and getting kills. You couldn't just make a playlist for competitive player and leave all your stupid stuff out of it. Fail.
  6. I laugh at the the thought of this game being made for "MLG tryhards" The ridiculous amount of power weapons, + the new ridiculous range on automatic guns, + grenades are stupid strong = a game for bad kids, by bad kids.
  7. First off the "ranks" are nothing more that how much a player has played the game, and has little to do with skill. Secondly, how pathetic are you? You don't want to play people of equal skill, you want to spend your day playing lesser players......there's a winning life attitude.
  8. Way to do it 343. Been a fan of Halo since the first day Halo 1 came out. But this piece of noob fest you've turned Halo 4 into is pathetic. Is your idea of fun running around throwing grenade and using stupid over powered weapons? Also what's up with the map design? The multiplayer maps seriously feel like they've been designed by monkeys and tested once before being shipped with the game. It seriously leaves me thinking, everyone who works at 343 must be really bad at this game, and enjoy running around with shotguns and rocket launchers and degrading such a beautiful competitive game Please, stop making Halo games. It's a disgrace to the franchise, and a slap in the face to your real fans. Also on a side note, WTF is up with forge? Why did you take custom game options away that we've had since Halo 3? Seriously, what kind of people are working at 343? EDIT: Also who's bright idea was it to enable instant respawn? Seriously, that's gotta be the most game breaking, dumbest thing i've ever seen any video game company do. And why is it enabled in slayer pro? Seriously, you couldn't just give us competitive players a playlist?
  9. Its tough because Halo has been around for 10+ years, and been on Xbox live since Halo 2. Alot of the core gameplay mechanics are things we've been practicing since then. There are lots of guides from halo 2-reach, and alot of the advice will apply to Halo 4. And if you think this is a tough game to learn, go look up DotA.
  10. I do believe I speak for almost all people who have played Halo since Halo 2. 343, this game needs a ranking system. I know a ranking system has been promised at the start of 2013, but a lot of the details are vague, and i'm worried it won't be what this game needs. Give us what Halo 2 and Halo 3 both launched with. A set of competitive, playlists, with a clear visible rank 1-50. Wins increase your rank, losing decreases your rank. Preferably with: -Infinity Slayer -MLG -Team Objective -Big Team Battle -FFA -Double Team Its the ranked playlist in Halo 2 and Halo 3 that made them so addicting. Playing a match with other similarly skilled players was the thing that set Halo 2 and Halo 3 apart from other XBL games. Please don't mess this one up.
  11. The overlying point is these weapons have no place in this gametype. I play the "Pro" playlist to play other players in a competitive setting. That whole concept gets thrown out the door when a less skilled player can compete by using weapons that take less skill.
  12. Agree with almost all. The maps problem can be solved with Forge though, give it a few weeks. However when it comes to the scoring system, I think it's one of the best thing they've done since Halo 1. Teams who work together get rewarded more, as the assists begin to rack up some nice points. I also like how a player who pulls off something crazy gets rewarded more. A three-headshot triple kill should be rewarded a little more.
  13. Don't misunderstand, I think the game itself is amazingly well done. I also understand that a majority of the players who play online play for fun and like the guns that take less skill. I personally think infinity slayer is awful, but that's only because i've always played video games competitively, and the abundance of shotguns and rocket launchers degrades the amount rifles are used. The playlist is called "Slayer Pro". Is it so much to ask that until we have our MLG playlist, that there is a playlist that doesn't have any power weapons? I don't deny i'm complaining, but i'm not complaining about Halo 4 as a whole, just one of the lesser played playlists.
  14. After playing for a few hours through the absolutely horrible infinity team slayer playlists, I decided to play Slayer Pro, thinking it would be better. Started off what I thought it would be. But there's needlers? Swords? Rockets? Seriously!? Ok, if you wanna put all this noob crap in regular slayer fine, ruin that playlist, feel free. But to see this stuff in slayer pro? Maybe you guys, 343, don't understand what the slayer pro playlist is for, so let me make this clear because apparently the definition of the word "pro" escapes you. We do not want rockets, needlers, swords, in our "pro" playlist. In fact, one of the reasons we play Slayer "Pro" is so we can avoid these things I understand your trying to make your game for the 90% of people who play this game and are absolutely awful. That's fine, in fact I approve, its good business. But there is a small percentage of us out there who don't like your noob, "camp and throw grenades" playlists and want to play and beat other skilled player, and not get killed by someone who called in rockets with an ordnance. So please, until you release us our MLG playlist, take the needler, the rockets, and the swords OUT OF SLAYER PRO.
  15. Let me start by saying, these are just my opinions. To some people, I may sound totally out of my mind and they think the game is perfect the way that it is. I am not here to flame, simply to express my opinions, as an 11 year player who plays competitively for fun. The maps suck. Nothing memorable, no great maps like lockout, or hang 'em high. A lot of times on the smaller maps people will spawn behind you. I one time spawned behind the other team, while they were engaged in a BR fight with my team. Easy triple kill, also very stupid. Also, who's brilliant idea was it to enable instant respawns in Infinity Slayer? It is so incredibly stupid to be killed by someone 2-3 seconds after killing them because they were able to instant respawn. I sometimes wonder while i play, did 343 playtest this game, or are they incredibly fond of really stupid game mechanics? I expect within a few months there will be forge variations, and we won't have to play these terrible maps anymore. Weapon problems. The AR is definitely more powerful than its Halo 3 counterpart, much stronger. The Suppressor is also a little out of control for it to be a load out choice. This game shines in fast paced, medium range battle rifle fights. I don't mind some of the weapons getting a bit of a buff, but in a medium ranged situation they are too powerful. Ordnance drops also remove all concepts of weapon control from Halo. It used to be you knew someone had a sword, someone had a shotgun, and someone has the sniper. Now entire teams can have shotguns/scatterguns/swords/snipers, its a little ridiculous. Not MLG, not yet. I understand that there's a "Slayer Pro" that takes a lot of these things out. Even as a 12 year player in the MLG scene, i'm not one who thinks we need to go to "Just BR's and sprinting" I think with some of the armor abilities, and some of the new things added to this game it can grow and evolve to be a more rich and deep game. Ok i'm gonna stir the pot up a little bit. The maps are terrible, just awful. It feels like you built this game for noobs, which you probably did, because your probably all noobs. Grenades are too strong, your trying to give bad players ways to get kills, but your just going to have to accept that this game will have a learning curve. You made the game great, but failed your gametypes terribly. Turn down weapon damage, turn down grenade damage, up everyone's speed a little bit, take out all this new noob **** you put in (ordnance, new stupid weapons) and give us the game this should be. Alot of my friends have already beat the campaign and will never play the game on xbox live again. Fix it at the risk of losing more people.
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