I've noticed a few things while playing thus far, and would like to communicate them to 343 and the community.
1. The railgun has no splash damage apparently. It's either a dead hit or a miss, which is understandable technically, but with such scant ammunition, relatively long reload time, and rarity in general, you'd think there would be at least a little compensation for the occasional miss. Imo, having a weak splash damage effect, like 25% of a non-buffed frag grenade would be a good idea.
2. We should have the option (not sure if we do tbh) to prevent ourselves from joining games that have already started. I like the freedom to quit, and the fact that players will fill in when someone quits, so kudos to the multiplayer team for implementing this. I just don't like getting into a game thats already half over, and I'm on the losing team. So I play it out and I decide to wait in lobby to get a fresh start. Well, half of the people leave. So the game either takes the leftovers (like 3 of us), and throws us into an already-started game (ouch), or starts a new one with unfair teams (3v5 is common). Perhaps we could have the option of "joining new games only", or turning off "hotseat" in some options menu.
3. If I understand correctly, 343 released the game and an optional map pack on release. Personally, this seems pretty shady imo. I feel like I'm missing out on content/playability already, and it's only the 2nd day of release. Nothing to do about that now, just a complaint I wanted to vent.
4. Gauss OP. (Edit) - After playing more games on the particular map (exile), it appears that the Gauss fits in nicely imo. Plenty of weapon drops, other vehicles, and DMRs in general to cooperatively take down the Gauss.
5. Are the "weapon drops" random? Sometimes I get the option of choosing between needler, plasma grenades, and speed boost, but other times they're all so good, its hard to choose (ex - SAW, damage boost, fuel rod). Seems a bit on the random side, unless theres something I'm not understanding yet.
6. Dominion is crazy confusing. Maybe you could have a 'tooltip' option somewhere in menu or options, where we can read very thoroughly the rules/aspects of all of the newer stuff in the halo universe. Dominion, call-ins, rank system, etc.
7. Why no 'party' theater?
8. Invis should negate Promethian vision, and the reticule should not turn red when hovered over an invis player, unless he/she has been damaged, revealing shield.
9. Having a hard time understanding the banshee manuevers. If I'm looking forward (lets say north for the sake of discussion), and do a backflip, I should theoretically complete a 360 flip, facing north again when the flip is complete. Well, this isn't the case. I hope I'm just doing it wrong, and somebody can fill me in here, but so far it seems that after completing a backflip (in multiplayer), my banshee just does whatever it wants. Sometimes its facing a downward/left angle, downward/right, completely 180 degrees from where I was facing when I initiated the flip, etc. A huge problem for the banshee as of right now, especially given its contextual nerfs. The mantis, gauss, scorpion, DMR, and even basic warthog can negate the banshee's power as of right now, as it's much slower when not using boost, and appears to have weaker armor than the previous Halo banshees. In any case, regardless of the context, this seems like an obvious flaw.
10. People can easily boost in FFA because the party size is 6, same size as the gametype. 2 real accounts with 2 guests each can do whatever they want, all the kills/sprees/medals etc they want, which isn't fair to people like myself who try play fair, and therefore slower.
11. Spawn systems on KOTH Haven were pretty wacky, with enemies spawning directly behind me numerous times. Pretty fun in a sense, but perhaps could be improved upon.
I'm sure I'll think of more as I play/understand the game more thoroughly, so I'll update accordingly.