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Everything posted by Red777

  1. If he did surivive if thats a huge if why not make it more present and why kill cortana if ur gonna make a 5th
  2. no its at the end of halo 4s credits
  3. listen i understand but they arent gonna follow the books theyve already messed it up i mean at end of the credits t even says (we hope you enjoyed the journey as much as we have.) giving meaning to the journey is over
  4. spartan ops is a storyline that follows master chief and who knows it might lead to th erings or to another ark or they could f*** it up even more adn say that theres more profits and regret adn the other two followed him
  5. i put my controller down adn said F*** this i was promised a great gaem at E3 and this is what we get as fans! halo is a part of us as fans, i was hurt when she died why make a 5 when the fans are hurt and pissed and you killed a main character
  6. i have know idea where you got this info but i beat the game a nuke went of adn a grenade into his chest how is he alive let alone how is she
  7. First of all i just lets name some things that are wrong in this game. 1) mulitplayer ...they just made it like Call of Duty.. (LIKE) not exactly 2) they killed a main character 3) the last boss we all were excited to beat into the ground...was a cut scene.. 4) campaign was a lil to short and seem to have glitches 5) weapons..i exected more choices we waited 5 years after halo 3 and 2 years after halo reach and this is what we get? im sorry this is a let down i expected more is it so hard to make a game for the fans? i thought this game would be amazing, so far everthing is a let down. i know a lot of you will say for me to shut up but F*** you i want 343 to know they screwed up. if they make a halo 5 whitch i doubt since (SPOILER) he takes his armor off on earth and cortana is dead 343 note from me and my friends who beat the game and have been with halo since it was realsed ...we are dissapointed in this company to the point where if you make a halo 5 ...if cortana isnt back...dont bother making halo 5
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