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Everything posted by ButchCassidy338

  1. ButchCassidy338


    Noticed it as well. I have to tell myself to stop sprinting so much because its getting me killed. As for the melee; pretty sure it took 2 melee in previous Halo's, whereas its just one in 4.
  2. The servers are terrible. It lags so much that kill cams are pointless. There's no logical way that a kill cam shows me getting killed from a guy shooting a wall/ceiling other than lag.
  3. ButchCassidy338


    It should be DMR and nerfed pistol. The BR makes it way too easy for kills and the magnum is just as good as a rifle with how powerful it is.
  4. And why do some teams get a 4th and others stuck with 3? Is it really too hard to wait an extra 30-60 second to find a solo player to make it 4v4? Just dumb.
  5. While true, I doubt any of the public really knew how much of CoD they'd rip off. Maybe they wouldn't have sold as many copies if people knew it'd be CoD Lite.
  6. ButchCassidy338


    I like swat. Need more maps as only 2-3 actually get picked every time. I agree they need to bring the X's back and remove the ability to quick respawn.
  7. Happens to my group often as well. They'll get like 2-3 drop outs/in, and we're constantly stuck with just us 3
  8. It happens far too often. My guess is they haven't really perfected the kill cam yet and it's just real laggy.
  9. I assume its just a lag based/glitch issue because I've had plenty of kill cams where my killer was pointing at the floor, ceiling, or wall. It's a new feature and they'll work out the kinks. The thing is cod has been usin that style since Modern Warfare. Since that series has become so popular, it feels like 343 tried to implement the cod style into their game.
  10. Never. It'll be one headshot kill or 3-4 body shot.
  11. Does suck there's only like 4 maps in rotation for Slayer. I like all the maps tho. I like the few big maps I've played.
  12. Some of the perks do help. Unlimited sprint, faster cool down, stronger grenades while taking less damage. Ranked will take perks out, like slayer pro does.
  13. It doesn't PLAY like CoD but they definitely tried to cater to that crowd. My team (usually 3 of us) get stuck 3vs4 so many times and its not fair at all. I'm sure it'll all change once ranked playlists come along tho. Just gotta deal with it for now.
  14. What you are asking is why doesn't it take one less headshot for kill. Valid question IMO. But I guess it could be said that in 3 the armor doesn't cover your head but in 4 it does? Or they dumbed it down?
  15. I could never get the timing down, lol.
  16. I think strafing is effective and you can still win battles with head shots. I'm very glad bloom is gone.
  17. Hm, my mistake then. I guess it also makes sense to have it that way, haha. (Actually that's the way it should be). 4 to body, 1 to head; or 4 to head.
  18. It's always been 3 to the body 1 to the head. The way it should be. Gotta deplete shields first (3 shots). You've got to shoot the shield to deplete it. So shooting ANYWHERE (since the ships covers the whole body) 3 times depletes it. Then it takes 1 head shot to kill and 2-3 to the body to kill. It's been like that for every halo.
  19. kill cams are fine, but as of now they're a little laggy so they're pointless. i'm sure that'll get fixed. i would prefer a 3-5 spawn delay, but it is what it is.
  20. supposed January release. fingers crossed for sooner
  21. i think everything will change once the ranked playlists come around. until then ill try to hold off any more opinions on the MP haha
  22. i think this pretty much sums up how i feel. i have faith in 343 to fix the issues with a competitive playlist in the near future. all they need is the halo 3 model for playlists and ranks. nobody knew how halo 3 came up with your rank, it just worked (for the most part). and their playlists were perfect cause you could go into your ranked games, and if you were struggling, wanted to warm up, or just wanted to play for fun, you could go to a social playlist.
  23. i dont mind gun load outs, because some people prefer BR, BMR, or AR... i just dont like the perks. i saw one increased your grenade damage to and decreased against... everyone should be on a level playing field besides weapons. thats what sets halo apart, it's skill based, unlike CoD.
  24. This is what everyone wants, now we just need to get it viewable in game
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