Hey guys, I am itzDecon.
I am a huge Halo Fan, started with Halo 3. I instantly took intrest in the Forge, and have done a lot myself, but none of my maps have become popular really. I have been really dissappointed to not see an huge improvment of this in Halo 4, but the multiplayer has taken a giant leap! I used to barely every play it, and I haven't been able to stop since I got Halo 4.
Besides Halo, I am a learning Web Master, I have experience through out the web with HTML, CSS, PHP, JS, & Ajax. I have been learning for about 3-4 years. I am also found on many forums, and I have great experience with them. I have knowledge in IP.Board, xenForo, and MyBB. I have been using them for about as long my coding experiences.
Besides Halo, I play Call of Duty, Minecraft, Battlefield, and Legend of Zelda.
That's me basically.