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Everything posted by rrhuntington

  1. The Big problem I remember in Reach were Bad Zombies or AFK zombies that wouldn't progress the game further. So If AI is any worse than those guys, no plz. However I would want Flood in Warzone...
  2. Banned for some banned reason that hasn't been thought of before.
  3. Banned because I know it's opposite day, but you could have tried harder.
  4. Banned because they're all Dr.Seuss' family. It's in their blood.
  5. I think Halo 2/3 numbers, like nearly exact numbers would be pretty hard to sustain. You do have to also think about how the market looked back in 2007 and 2004. The FPS market was a lot less cluttered back then. CoD wasn't as big as it was, Battlefield is the same. Halo 2 was the FPS online console game to go to, because it was ONE of the only Console FPS's like it. I really can't think of what to compare it to back then. Although the innovation and overall greatness of the games were the main driving point of replay-ability and longevity, the way things were back then also helped as well. But I did watch the video, and Most of your points are spot on. I do hope for the best this October, even with all the negativity floating around. I liked the video. It was a short talk, but you got Straight to the point and were thorough. You get a thumbs up from me.
  6. Good Luck with the lifes and the Overtimes. see ya around melody.
  7. Only a Sith deals in absolutes... Wait a second... Congrats, enjoy the BLU!
  8. Don't question it. The W for us is hush hush Money. Anywahywhowherewhat... WE WIN! It's a real testament to how OP we were when 2 of our players weren't here 75% of the game.
  9. I see no where in the rules that it states in this game that the ded can vote. There's nothing saying that you can't, but ghost voting was never a facet of every Mafia game before hand. Just a few. I would assume in this game ded is ded.
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