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Everything posted by rrhuntington

  1. 1,000 posts later...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Congrets da grets.

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      And yu said you'd never get to dedicated waaaay back in the day.

    4. Melody


      300 something post later.. nope! Still not 500 yet.

  2. I don't know about the SMG, but I am a fan of AR starts. I like both starts though because one type of start gives a whole different feeling than the other. BR starts the game already at a ranged distance, with everyone firing and strafing. AR feels more CQC and I've always enjoyed Punching my opponents in Halo. So, I can deal with both types, but I also prefer AR.
  3. Gad Dambit. Stop your lies. Thye will get you nu where. If you go back through scene deduction and look at all the lynch lists, there was a lynch list that had you, me and two others on there. Well, Everyone on that list besides you has deded and was innocent. Now I reallly doubt that a lynch list has no mafain on it for no reason. You are therefore mafian, and Drizzy did not belief it. Your mind gayms don't wurk, Jedi.
  4. WHY DID NO ONE LISTEN TO THE SCHPY!? It was the Bun, it could get no more obvious. Drizzy will be bakestaybed for this.
  5. Goodbye Rabbit. For now. Have fun with yo summer.
  6. Otters confirmed enemies in Halo 5. Flood otters appear later in the game.
  7. This is Life Canon Now:

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      Wow, they actually did double. :D

  8. Goooooooooooooood. I'm glad your looking forward to it. I know I am, and I really do want to play that MP again as well. The Hype is real.
  9. Quik, to the Bnus Mobile! I vote Bnus. He is mafier and if he is not then this game has tricked me hard.
  10. It is a great thing to share the love. Thank you Fishy.
  11. Man Caboose, I didn't know you were there! Anyways, that does look like a blast. And that is some High Quality Armor you got right there. Looks real good
  12. Whether those are Gunships or Sentinels, whatever is going on in that Picture is massive. If it really looked like that in the end it would be something never seen before in Halo MP. I wonder how the community would respond to something that big...
  13. You see those sentinels? Idk, if that truly is concept art then there could be A.I around the map then. Or They could just be aesthetic like the Sentinels on Halo 3's construct. So anywhateverwho, we'll find out next week, hopefully.
  14. Plz Join Drizzy, for the next episode, of HuntTheHTATruth. *Dah DAh DAH Bong*
  15. Drizzy, I am under the asumption that Bnus is Mafier.
  16. WHAT IS THIS SH- Congrats to both of yall. Destruct Septim looks kindly on Our old friend, and it seems our former President has found a good line of work after his term was over. Good good... But There's So Many COLORS!
  17. But waht if pengu nut quikscoped? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQoRXhS7vlU
  18. Whew, I'm Glad Melody got me out of that pit of Despair!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Melody


      Anything for a friend, lol. Especially when it comes to his evil aura pit of despair.

    3. Delpen9


      Don't despair, Melody is hair.

    4. Melody
  19. I will like the Blue Diamond to light up . That's enough for me.
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