"All is one, and one is all" "Where two is none, and three is odd" "We Destructs" "Stay loyal to the name" "Of our hero, whom we so cherish" "Praise almighty Destruct Septim" "May he keep our goodly greaten" "In the hands of a soft bun" "Peas"
The roll of Domination continues. Our Farmer, our Crohp Givar, Food Growah, Farmer Destruct. Congrturations, well Deserved My Brother! May Destruct Septim look kindly on you for this victory. Two Bakestaybes and a goodly greaten to you. Besten Scraing night tonight.
But Ahholdwoman you are an up and coming new member on this site. I'm really glad to see you get this honor so early after getting here. Keep up dah gud work.