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Everything posted by rrhuntington

  1. You don't tell Snipoor what to do... But I don't either. He/she is a strong independent Jackal!
  2. People try taking on vehicles way too much in games. I see people all the time just standing in the middle of the roads trying to dodge and throw grenades and they just end up getting mowed down. I do it a lot too. I guess we feel we are more powerful than vehicles and that's just not true, except for maybe Halo 4 and H2A MP. Getting to a new position and trying to shoot it from a distance or waiting until you have the capable opportunity to Hijack or get an explosive to kill it is the best course of action. You ever seen two Competent people on Standoff get an a warthog and mow down every one on the enemy team over and over? Because I do, every time I play standoff. Oh and good tips Peanut, I would also recommend tricking people with movement when they attempt to chase you. Saves shields if you keep telegraphing fake movements like moving back and forth from a usually obvious position. Like teasing which side you will run when you are really just buying time, using your motion sensor to your advantage.
  3. Satilite internet sucks for gaming, so uh... my only other choice is DSL because of where I live. (rural)

    1. rrhuntington


      and a WISP does not exist out here or else I'd go for that.

    2. Fishy


      Satellite works, it's just not meant for continuous stream. But, if you go DSL you gotta do what you gotta do. You'll just have a slower download speed, it shouldn't affect your playability though.

    3. rrhuntington


      I'm still going to test a few things, but DSL is probably the way I'll have to go if I ever want to a Multiplayer game again. TF2 is giving me Pings of anywhere from 500 to 996. Really outta control.

  4. A problem is that Guilty Spark is not whole anymore and he lives inside of a UNSC ship, not in the floating eye bulb anymore. Other than that that's pretty good, but honestly anything can happen in Halo 5, and that's what's got me excited.
  5. Centurion armor was the same armor Fred was wearing during the terminal "Unyielding" and in Escalation. Also it seems there is Brail on the MP armor that reads 104. Can't really see it on the picture above, but on the first page it is more clear.
  6. Just to spark up conversation, why? I also don't remember any of this stuff where Chief gets a data chip from Gravemind can someone point me to the source of that?
  7. The willingness to accept something unseen is so high I think we're on cloud 9 at this point. Is the question I ask to the Mafian who says: "I'm Mafian but I assure you I did not kill him!" This is how I feel right now:
  8. So because one person says "this person is Mafian, not this person", gives nothing to validate said statement , gets people to blindly follow the choice and I'm the only one to defend this, I'm Mafian? I guess that's the way this game works now. Must be a clique I was unceremoniously denied access from.
  9. So, why are we just voting one person without question?
  10. R.I.P Precious the Pekingese. 2002-2015. My First dog. I love you and I'll miss you girl.

  11. Happy MoM day Ash. Hope you enjoy your great month of burning our eyes with bright pink in the shoutbox
  12. Bnus 2: Yeah. He gave me this cream called Bnus. I'm afraid to use it, I may be allergic to Bnus.
  13. Bnus 2: Hey! Man, my Bnus itches.
  14. And suddenly it all became clear. The cities were the Ovens. Humanity... The Bnus.
  15. This Bnus!>....... I don't think you guys can take anymore of this Bnus...

  16. Freeze! You dare threaten anyone! How dare you... You're under Arrest!
  17. Don't Tust anyone. It's not safe. The Gravemind it's in the sy57e.lkmk

  18. The social experiment complete. The Test: How many people click on the links. Check'em people.
  19. I remember when ODST was announced to come back, I was like "Now what about all the people asking for Reach?", and here is our answer. Now we have all FPS Halos on one console, at the beginning of it's life cycle. This is just plain great. I poured over 40 days into reach, and now I'm ready to pour some more on there. YEAH!
  20. The trailers and HunttheTruth have set this up to be a very mysterious and intriguing venture to E3. Any concerns over Locke's voice actor were quelled by his permformance on that trailer. Whatever he was on during him giving his lines, give him some more of that. I Like that they make us guess instead of just handing us answers.
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