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Everything posted by rrhuntington

  1. Will you ever tell us if our guesses are wrong or right for the Crazy grunt's riddle challenge?
  2. BZ forced choked them all into silence FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE.
  3. There is a code you know. You put into halo waypoint after completing LASO. If you used Rally Points that may be an issue. but try putting in the code first. Codes like this have been known to glitch out though. I've been trying this myself, yet I didn't use blind so it doesn't count. I just do it because I LOVE trying LASO.
  4. NFL ON FOX! Tomorrow! Finally.

  5. What did you want him to do? Talk more? If you had a problem with him not speaking, then that's one thing. That does not however mean he didn't do anything, because he did! If that's not it then I just don't get your point, I'm sorry. He was with chief to protect earth (mostly because Truth was on Earth) and when they we're on the ark his goals were kill Truth, and stop the flood on Installation 4B. Stopping the flood, and killing your most hated enemy is no good reason?
  6. "Razor Wire up!" I hope everyone (at least 4) comes so we can have a filled game of Horde.
  7. What they actually didn't reveal is that this was an inside job by Sony. They actually spent all that money just to kill LizardSquad in a fashionable way.
  8. "Patter" This was based on option number 1. I hope you like it! Just about 2500 words, I hope I didn't go over
  9. You overcooked the Zebra, you dumb people! Now we can't have zebra tacos.
  10. Writing a short story. 1,000 words already down.

    1. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      cool, seems pretty interesting..what's the stori bout? :P

  11. I don't see how someone full of hate and anger, and the longing for revenge against the source of that hate is a hollow character. I also have listed what he did, and every bit of it was meaningful. I don't see how any of what he did in Halo 3 was meaningless.
  12. ^ Your memory is confuzzeled, and all Arby fans out there are offended by your rude, inconsiderate, and false statements. LOOK AT WHAT YO... Hold on, gotta make it extra serious. LOOK AT WHAT YOUR WORDS HAVE DONE! There, Perfect.
  13. ZebraSlaughter2014. Bring the kids!
  14. I find it funny that the avatar for Gravemind is his tentacles and not his face for some odd reason. Is it too ugly for you? Cool find Destruct.
  15. Sadly, there is not much evidence to go on anyone. These suspects really have no baggage (Besides a BZ SB ban o_0) I vote BeckoningZebra1, and hope for the best. Zag is stuhpid
  16. MoM Destruct couldn't be a mafian. He died a few days ago. Zag is stuhpid
  17. All that makes me want to do is spam the classic to New button just to see how it would sound. Probably awful.
  18. I was going to say: "Aww, No Breaking Benjamin'?" But then when I listened I realized that it actually has the same vibe as Blow me away, and I have to say I like it. Going to be cool getting to that part of the game. Also, that environmental shooting, just be forewarned, don't shoot a sniper in a closed in place. It will ring your bell. Good reporting Destruct.
  19. Who knows, but I think it's just for universal show. Unless they would like to surprise us when we get the game.
  20. A behind the scenes video for Halo: Nightfall was released on 343i's Youtube channel, and it contains new and interesting info about the movie's synopsis, along with the location of it's shooting. Video time! Cool stuff. What do y'all think this new info could point to? Could the baking from the sun mean no flood because they all got cooked!? EDIT: Also note that beautiful re-mastering of the song Impend from Halo 2: anniversary at the beginning. It's grand for the time we get to hear it.
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