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Everything posted by rrhuntington

  1. Yes. Your new colors shall be brown, with a hint of green and corn in it.
  2. I like Extraction because apparently the OS spawns on the points. (I actually do like it, reminds me of territories.)
  3. LOVE IS EVOL. The rest is pretty self explanatory.
  4. I think they were pretty cool. I wish I could have changed mine before Bungie.net stopped letting me but whatever. I wouldn't mind their return. It would be great if there were more weapons as nameplates, and some nameplates corresponded with achievements in the MCC.
  5. I don't care about medals that much, as I am focused on the game and not the medals in the bottom left of the screen. That said, I do like some of the older designs more than the newer ones, but also vice versa.
  6. Hearing that "MLG" type of commentary sounds old school for Halo, even if those days are done. Feels like a long lost memory.
  7. Goooood, Good, Let the hate flow through you...

    1. HIWBC


      Shut up Palpatine ;).

    2. Drizzy_Dan


      Something, something, something, dark side

    3. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      something something complete.

  8. I always loved Halo Waypoint on the console because of the old Halo 1-3 music that would play while browsing stats. I would turn waypoint on just to listen to the soundtrack. So heavenly. + it's a decent place to get information on different story elements. I also thought that white and black sketch on waypoint comparing the sizes of ships and random objects in the universe was really cool. Excited to use the new features!
  9. Congrats to everyone that has attained their new positions. The increase in different colors in the shoutbox makes me happy.
  10. Could be an Elite or Brute Weapon. Is like the sniper, although has an arch so aiming must be treated differently. Not so reliable from long range. Headshot can be attained for an instant kill. Body shots do more damage if the fire button is held down for a longer period of time. A full body shot depletes shields all the way. Release fire button when you want to release the arrow. ...I feel like I just described the Huntsman. I don't care. It's a good weapon.
  11. Could Human Zombies have the potential to exist?
  12. I'll probably use anything that has RB for melee. As for crouching, I like using the Stick more than the B button. Switching Grenades I would like to be LB or B.
  13. rrhuntington


    When someone yoinks me I turn and look at them, and I don't move a muscle from where I was stripped from my victim's body. Sometimes they run away and don't pay attention to me, but when they do look back at me and into my visor... I pierce their soul in 100 different ways with a soulless glare that has the fire of hell deep within it. Before Attempting to kill him/her.
  15. I usually just played that to see how decent the other people were. They were not that good. But nevertheless I wouldn't really mind it again.
  16. Halo 1, 3, and 4 did not have multiplayer graphically updated. Halo 2 was the only multiplayer to receive a graphical update, but it's really not a graphical update at all. It is a reimagining of Halo 2 multiplayer on it's own engine running better graphics. In other words, The reimagining plays just like Halo 2, but is not fully identical. There is also the real original Halo 2 multiplayer on the game as well, if you feel like playing that over the updated version. There is also no way to switch the MP graphics because old Halo 2 and reimagined Halo 2 are actually different and would be played separately, so the select button would still be scoreboard.
  17. Hey summer... Can you be over already?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rrhuntington


      It can't take the heat.

    3. Delpen9


      You're hot on jokes today.

    4. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Too bad I wasn't upwind on that one.

  18. Golden Energy Sword? I was hoping for a Red one,(Jedi vs. Sith thing) but it's cool to see different colors if that's the case. Sort of like the plasma rifles from Halo 2. On to the other weapons... The assault rifle's color scheme reminds me of the Marine Armor colors from Halo 4. I'm glad SMG is back. Everything else looks fine, like what I expected, and that rocket launcher probably is not a rocket launcher. So everything as of now is: Pretty. Now I want to see the Covenant weaponry. But we will have to wait.
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