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Everything posted by rrhuntington

  1. So even Vidmatsers don't unlock them now? That's pretty sad... I only needed one vidmaster to get it the original way before they gave it to everyone. Still need "Vidmatser: Endure" from ODST.
  2. It's a sad thing to see any active member leave. I hope you return one day. Good luck in your future, Masked Man...
  3. Finding out where you've been. Wait in silence and begin again. I'll take my time to make you fall, pass through your head at just the right angle... Falling down. Giving In. Burn the Liars and begin again. What fills your pride will make you fall. I am the end. A ******* Archangel.

  4. Very early covenant after the Sanghelli-SanShyuum war?
  5. Sorry about your predicament. Best of luck to you. Like Bnus (I mean Cheeks) said, try some of his options, and if most of them don't work you can contact the real 343i at the above link. (Would have not posted this but Bnus and me posted at practically the same time.)
  6. If I go over my friends house later this month, I'll get you some.
  7. I would... but I am waiting to get it on Christmas, because the friend I am going to play it with is getting his Xbone on the same date. If he wasn't, then I'd definitely join you guys.
  8. Kelly is a Spartan. Fully capable of depending on herself in threatening situations. She doesn't count on John for everything like Cortana did, and John does not count on Kelly like he does Cortana. It's all about dependency, like I said, and Kelly doesn't need to depend on the Master Chief for life. We have seen though, every Spartan's death pulls at John, because those are his brothers and sisters dying. We saw Sam die right in front of him, and I would venture to guess he would more or less act the same way for any Spartan II's death.
  9. Sadly, the Halo (Every) fan base is chock full of 'em. So that wish my go unfulfilled.
  10. Looking about the way I just explained it, and the way you just stated it makes her death seem even more depressing.
  11. gooby plz no. Not saying this guarantees better quality, but time makes games. I didn't even get this game, I'm just saying that.
  12. It wasn't about the time, it was about their dependency on each other. After all these deadly situations they were in together, they became closer because of circumstance. Chief needed Cortana, as Cortana needed him. If he died, she died. This was the way it always was. Every horrific situation they went through put them closer together. Time really serves no purpose when a relationship is based off Life and Death. "We were supposed to take care of each other." Also, how much knowing must there be? She is a younger Halsey clone in A.I form, yet different. Yet another reason why Chief has such an emotional connection to her.
  13. Downloaded Silent Hill on a PS1 simulator. Time for some scares.

  14. caressing Lasky's Chest Hair, and...
  15. I don't know. We all thought about it when he was first fired. It all depends on 1: if Marty wants to come back and work on Halo again, or move on to other roads. And 2: if 343i is happy with the music Neil Davidge and Kazuma Jinnouchi put out, or would they like to go back to Marty's style. I haven't heard what O'Donnell is doing now that he is not with Bungie anymore, but Marty's music embodies Halo to this day. His music refreshes or memories of some olden days of Halo long past. Would I like them to pick him up? Yes. Are they? We will just have to wait and see... Surprised something like this was not asked at RTX.
  16. Was it sad, maybe, depending on the person. Was it unexpected, No. The campaign just screamed it at you the more you pressed on. I already knew before I got the game thanks to spoilers, but I still held out hope throughout playing that somehow, it was a lie. It obviously wasn't. I kept telling myself "there's no way they'd kill off Cortana." and then they did. Still remember that night, felt like a storm had passed after I had finished the game. It also was weird, that as I finished the game, it turned into dawn.
  17. Let me try again... Jazz Santa. I know, the eyes aren't white... Sue me.
  18. Reads topic: Okay, here you go. Halo 2: Anniversary ノ( o_oノ). There. But seriously, it ain't happening. Now for PC yea. But for Xbox, no. Those servers have been shutdown for four years, and I doubt they'd bring them back for 4 months only. It would probably ruin the fun of waiting to be able to play the game again in November.
  19. rrhuntington


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