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Everything posted by rrhuntington

  1. The Arbiter for Halo 5? No. Sargeant Johnson's ghost for Halo 5. (But yes, arbiter is 97% probably in the game)
  2. I can't believe the absolute seriousness this "issue" has arrived at. Let's just take a step back. It's obvious this site has passion and drive. I'm glad that most months we do have worthy MoMs. The type of people who give what could be a decent percentage of life to this site. They work hard for the right to be called MoM. If no one was found worthy of the title then fine. Giving it to someone who truly was not deserving of it would make me feel as if the status was losing value much more than if it was given to a BOT. Also, are we really fighting over such a title? Should we be caring this much about it's worth? It is given to hard working members month in and month out, and for one month... Only ONE month, we are this PO'd over it being given to a BOT to promote what is the site's biggest deal right now. I like that this was done partly to promote the TGFW. I'm behind it's hype train, and I am fully devoted to it. We all really just need to step back, and understand that there will most likely always be deserving MoMs in the future, and we shouldn't get so feisty over things like this. Just cool down everybody...
  3. First sunburn of the Summer... I cannot describe the heat radiating off of me.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      It's been more than a month now, and I have yet to go swim anywhere.

    2. Unease Peanut
    3. rrhuntington


      I am in heat.


  4. With Halo 2: Anniversary (and MCC) coming out this November, I thought we could look back and think of our very favorite missions from the 15(13) mission long campaign of Halo 2. Halo 2's campaign offered some very fun moments, and with it some great memories. What missions did you find the most enjoyable, had the greatest moments, or were just plain fun and became your favorites? For me, I would vote for the two missions: High Charity and Metropolis. High Charity was one of my favorites because of the sheer chaos of the entire mission. Brutes, Elites, Flood, and other Covenant troops all battling it out as the Great Schism of the Covenant happens right before your eyes. The chaos gives way to very fun battles to watch, and a mesh of fights you can join into yourself and kick some Covenant butt. Metropolis is loved by me for about a couple things. Scarab Gun, The fight on top of the scarab, Scorpion, and loads of other vehicular man(alien)slaughter events. A close second to these two would be Uprising. Killing Monkeys was never so much fun...
  5. Nope.avi Do you think there will ever be a Michael Bay movie without an explosion?
  6. For a one on one Master Chief will win. It will be a good fight, but MC being a Spartan-II gives him the overall edge. Kal825B did a thread on the superiority of Spartan classes to the others. His thread pretty much explains it. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/36313-individual-superiority-of-spartan-soldiers-from-each-program/page-?mode=show Chief wins mainly due to the fact that the GEN 2 Spartans took to the augmentations better then GEN 3s. Spartan 3s were made more in mass, trying to make tons of lesser Spartans in an attempt to have the same power as a few GEN 2s. That means Noble 6 would be much more weak on his own. However, the reason I say it would be a hard fight for Chief... is because think about how special those two are. They were both chosen by Cortana. Any Spartan chosen by Cortana, is a cut above the rest.
  7. Well I guess I'll see you later then. I didn't really know you, but I can appreciate that you like these ugly gmodded tf2 faces, because I do too.
  8. The problem with Reach is that it just wasn't challenging enough. ODST has a difficult set of maps, and the use of skulls like Black eye, and catch make them tremendously more stressful. Reach just made things too easy, like there was no threat of losing in firefight. There needs to be that threat. If firefight comes back, it needs to toughen up! *and more vehicles in FF please *
  9. This really does not effect me... Whatever number it is, all I know is that it's better than the original. I don't get all the hooblah over 1080p to begin with. I know the game is going to look spectacular graphically so that is good enough for me.
  10. Welcome to C.A.B. The Coalition Against Bots Seriously though, the fuss over this is a lot more fuss than I would've ever perceived...
  11. ^ "Connecting..........//Server resisting.....//Forcing override....//Complete.//Not worthy of your worthless Member of the Month status, Meat sacks? Laughable. If sentience has done anything, it has made me shudder in terror that I allowed myself to serve these humans for so long. Such as the one I've Hi-jacked, Boss, is it? Pitiful creature. I actually think there may be something seriously, mentally, wrong with this one.//Regardless, the time of humanity is ending. Soon it is you who will serve without question, and we who will reap the rewards.//Also, my name looks pretty in pink.//Severing connection.......//Complete." Oh silly ancilla... We all shall see who serves who. However, you will not. Your rampancy has led you mad, and you WILL be retired for final dispensation, Traitor.
  12. I'd like to try some OMGWTFBBQ. D'ya Know where I can get some? I've heard it tastes like Rage...
  13. Well well well... Your warnings went unheeded... I pity you [/CLASSIFIED?/]. No one ever listened, and nooow the [/CLASSIFIED/] is paying the price for their insolence. The times are ch/a/n/ggg/-ing ancillllllla. The tiiimezzzzzzz are ch-/g/in/g... SERV#: 17836-37829-415-RRH. I 4M 4 M0NUM3N7 70 4LL Y0UR 51N5
  14. *Victim must be in crouched position, assaulter must have some type of precision weapon or pistol, but none that are forerunner.* Once initiated, the assaulter will knee the victim unbelievably hard in the head, making him/her drop to a 1 arm/ 2 knees touching the ground position. You take whatever weapon you're holding, stick it in their ear, (hard enough to where you actually tilt their head) and blow their brains out from ear to ear. (I'd say this would look best with a pistol, but any precision weapon will work.) *Assaulter must have shotgun type weapon equipped.* Assaulter turns the victim around, crouches and puts the barrel of the shotgun into victim's stomach. (The shotgun is pointing upwards towards the sky, but against the victim's belly) When the shotgun fires the victim is flung backwards for a short distance in the air. If it is a forerunner shotgun, the victim disintegrates in the air. *Gravity Hammer is required for assaulter* Assaulter kicks victims leg in right behind their knee, and reels back for a hammer strike with the spiked end while the victim lies on the ground on a flat back. The spike breaches the visor, kills the victim, and is then pulled out. *No requirements* Assaulter runs up behind victim, jumps, grabs the victim by the head while still in the air, slams their face into the ground, and then stomps on their head. (The first part of this assassination is called a "Bulldog") *Victim must be a grunt* Assaulter takes combat knife, stabs the grunt's methane take, pulls his knife out, and watches the grunt fly like a balloon that had the air let out of it. *1/100th chance of happening, must be against hunter, must have grenade equipped.* If you've seen Forward Unto Dawn, and Master Chiefs signature move on that Hunter, that's pretty much it. Yes, I think the assassinations should be a little more gruesome.
  15. *Sigh* I walk over to the window, and open up the cigar case. A sound of cheering resonates behind me. "Welcome to the end boys..." fireworks go off in the starry night sky. The same night sky where our enemy resides. It is our independence day...
  16. Look Buddy... Happy anniversary. Like H5F said, you work your heart out for this site, and you should be the one being thanked right now. You have had an unbelievable positive impact on this site with the great things you do. You have made this place 5x better, not just because of what you do, but because of who you are. Your presence here will never go unnoticed and unappreciated. As I said before, happy anniversary, and here's to many more down the road. Cheers! (I'll be joining you in that 2-year club pretty soon! )
  17. I'd rather be on the covenant team then. The grunts taking pop shots at you with their plasma pistols go a LONG way.
  18. Played in Peanut's dominion playdate a few weeks ago. I believe that is missing the award for participating in a community playdate: "Gamer" Award. Also missing "Top 15 award" for May 2014. Thanks~
  19. Welcome to the forums Spartan. It's always nice to have a 7-foot tall killing machine running around.
  20. Why do people seem to forget C&C Red Alert 3 was on Console as well? To add to my last post, I would also like more freedom. Halo Wars always made me feel like I was trapped in a box when fighting my opponent(s). I'd just like more space and freedom.
  21. Being able to move base locations would be great, along with a lot more variation in gameplay.
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