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Everything posted by rrhuntington

  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Oh my god, you guys are so close! Circles MAN, Circles! The stove is on and one of yall's Fingers is about to touch it. Hint: D: "...It will not work on my new form." ???: "Then you will lead us, as always." D: "You would submit to such sacrifice?"
  2. You are all doing circles around the answer, You all are in the right lane, but not looking in the right places. One of these last three guesses got awfully hot towards the correct answer, but was one step from being there.
  3. The sixty-five and half ways to say "No"
  4. Wrongo Bucko. Hint: The illumination of Glowing Ice and Blazing Fire. We have been known by these things...
  5. Congrats on the Pink!
  6. No again... We locked him inside where his physical being resides. Will he learn from his injustice, or will he bury those thoughts deep inside? We put him here, away from life. To keep the rest of existence out of strife. They will attain it, that is a guarantee. As long as you stay away from thee. Trapped in here, you will be safe with me. Hints: 1. Once again, it is the speaker, not the one being spoken of. However, the speaker cannot technically speak... 2. "We have had two masters" 3. "Some of us just joined their ranks from the American Southwest"
  7. 7th on the 7th is still in Halo 3. For the others I had them completed years ago. The last one I need now is Endurance in ODST, so I am unsure of this one.... but I doubt they discontinue things like that.
  8. A little less warm, but warm regardless.
  9. I've always loved exploring outside the map but you guys take it to a whole new level. Keep it up! I love these types of things.
  10. Riddle time! We locked him inside where his physical being resides. Will he learn from his injustice, or will he bury those thoughts deep inside? We put him here, away from life. To keep the rest of existence out of strife. They will attain it, that is a guarantee. As long as you stay away from thee. Trapped in here, you will be safe with me. (it is who is speaking)
  11. Some kind of... Green Egg Swallowing Monster. 9-9
  12. Elites of course. They are a gimmie, or at least should be in my mind. They have a great following in the Halo franchise, and it's just cool to break out of that norm of playing as a Spartan. Not to mention Elites are some of the most honorable aliens I've ever had a fight with... except when they Karate Kick me on Legendary, that's where I draw the line. For other aliens however, there could be a mode somewhere for this, maybe a little like Beast mode from GOW3, but just to the extent of "You play as all of the enemy species." Now playing as a Promethean Knight or Hunter... that would be a scary thought that another person is controlling him and is on the move looking to get you.
  13. It looks like someone took all the Chuck Norris Jokes and put Shrek in his place. Shrek is Drek, and we all know it.
  14. Ever seen Red Dead Revolver and it's Clint Eastwood look alike character, my love for the Red dead series of games has grown tremendously. The story was the first thing that pulled me in, but the old western 1940's movie feel pulled me in like a fish. Bioshock Infinite was the only Bioshock game I ever played, and the wrap around feels that game gave were extraordinary, and plus the setting, it was an unexpected great game. (for me) I doubt I'd ever buy another again though.
  15. I'll play it every now and again. The sluggish style of play bothers me though, as I only play multi-team. The only reason I play only multiteam is it's the only game mode you can rank up by getting second place. I did play a lot back in the day, my true skill in lone wolves (which is 42) can attest to that. I suck so bad at Halo 3 now compared to back then that I must have been playing on PCP back then to get that high of a True skill.
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