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  1. rrhuntington's post in How did forerunners survive the halo array? Why do rings still exist? was marked as the answer   
    I probably don't know the answer to some of your questions, but I'll try to answer some.
    1. From what I know, he may have been on the Greater ark, and that's the reason he survived. If that's not the reason, someone help me out here.
    2. She didn't, she died on Earth. The Librarian seen in Halo 4 is an imprint of her left on Requiem to assist John-117, so it wasn't really her in the flesh.
    3. It is outside of every Halo's effective radius. It wouldn't reach far enough to effect any life there.
    4. Okay, Rings only destroy sentient life. Pretty much anything is on the table to die by the Halo's blast, besides flood. Like Cortana Stated "It kills their food." Which is humans, and pretty much anything else sentient. Rings cannot destroy other rings too.
    5. He was an A.I. He still has the mind of Chakas, (except he's pretty freaking insane at this point) but other than that he's just an A.I. Metal. Technology. He cannot be killed by the Halo array.
    6. Who knows? The only one we know that survived by Shield world is the UR-Didact. Other than that, no reports. (at least to my knowledge, again someone help me if I am wrong)
    7. I don't know the official reason, but reasons I've heard include: A.) Forerunner's and Humans have the same genetic makeup and B.) They are the Reclaimers, so it is purposed to work for them.
    Hopefully I got it all mostly right.
  2. rrhuntington's post in On Smart Scope was marked as the answer   
    Courtesy of SD:
    That is the only confirmed control scheme as of now. I have heard that there could be one with right thumbstick, but we'll see later on.
  3. rrhuntington's post in Picture thread. was marked as the answer   
    We actually have this already, it's the 343i Yearbook. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/11395-343i-community-yearbook/page-1
    Lots of sexy faces on there... but recently they've been a lot more aggressive looking.
  4. rrhuntington's post in LASO didn't count. Help please. was marked as the answer   
    There is a code you know. You put into halo waypoint after completing LASO. If you used Rally Points that may be an issue. but try putting in the code first. Codes like this have been known to glitch out though. I've been trying this myself, yet I didn't use blind so it doesn't count. I just do it because I LOVE trying LASO.

  5. rrhuntington's post in Keep getting paired up/against foreigners w/ bad connection :( was marked as the answer   
    Germany must have sent another Zimmerman note. Damn it!
    Anyway, there is no actual way of being able to play against only Americans or any preferred country, that's just the way it works. I would say filter it through "my language" and "Best connection." That's really the only way to give yourself a chance. If they do start betraying you deliberately, then go to a area of the grifball court with no enemies clearly at it. Let them betray you at the area and the chances of being able to boot them will rise.  Good luck not finding bad useless Mexicans/players. 
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