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iM Criitical

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Everything posted by iM Criitical

  1. Hey guys, iM Criitical here, I'm hosting a custom games lobby tonight at approximately 11:15ish pm [EST] and will include many, if not all, the popular non-competitive mini-games that are circulating presently; such as: - Slenderman - Boogeyman - Anklebiters - Mongoose Jousting - Cops + Robbers - Break The Ice, etc. If you're interested, hit me up with a FR and i'll see you later! GT: iM Criitical.
  2. iM Criitical here, and i'm looking for others who either: a) host custom lobby's frequently or are always looking to join customs' lobbies. Personally, i prefer customs over matchmaking, since I am a 130 now and have most (2 left for DLC) achievements. I personally have all the popular gametypes (Slender, Duckhunt, Robowars, etc.) that people like to play and I am constantly on the lookout for upcoming custom games or custom games that are already popular to share with my friends! Me and my friend, iTz To xx ii c, run customs A LOT. Usually late at night (EST) on the weekdays and whenever on the weekends. We also join various lobbies in the process. If anyone reading this would be interested in having me on their friends list for custom games, whether it be you host lobbies continuously or are looking for lobbies to join, hit me up and we'll make it happen. GT: iM Criitical
  3. I'll be THAT guy in this topic. I will admit, the reason I am in the SR-60s is because I play (majority) Spartan Ops (even though I do have a 1.7 K/D on Matchmaking), but i get 12,000xp per 7 minute spartan ops game. I have double xp of course, but the return from these games is mind-blowing and I would not be mad if they reduced the XP turnout at the end of the games
  4. What im looking for in return fluctuates... I'm interested in the Arctic BR and FOTUS armor, but let me know what you have and i'll take everything into consideration ! I'm going back on Halo 4 now so any inquiries (I ask) should be made through Xbox Live. My GT is iM Criitical *The same as my name* Thanks guys *EDIT* Also REALLY interested in Double XP Codes!
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