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Jackal (2/19)



  1. I enjoy the ordinance drops personally, they keep the game fresh in a way. I would prefer weapons to just have spawn times on the map like in H3 but its no biggie. As far as vehicles go im very happy they die quickly. Have some skill and shoot someone with your gun not run them over or turret someone to death. Loadouts i use the same one every time so its never like there is one to me so
  2. I dont know what youre talking about, BR and DMR are both 4 shot kill. I kill people all the time using the BR. Infact i hate the DMR so i refuse to use it. Reach Sucked Halo 2-3 were better and i will continue to use my BR.
  3. WOrd, they could just remake Halo 3 forever or Halo 2 and id still play them, If bungie came out with new H3 maps and kept them going id still be playing that instead
  4. I think this should be th enext remake for Halo 4, The best map in Halo 3.
  5. anyone? i tried file share tab but that only wants ones from my computer
  6. i never installed disc 1, i dont install my games unless needed to to play it like disc 2
  7. I dont usually watch killcam because i could normally careless, but i watched a few and holy cow, that thing is awful. The cursor is either all over the place on the kill cam or the guy is aiming at a wall shooting me. Either fix the kill cam atleast or get rid of it all together. If the killcam isnt messed up then i have some other issues to complain about
  8. Why do they do this? I just gained 300 exp including double exp boost because i joined a capture the flag game and the enemy team had 4out of 5 captured. then 10 seconds into it the team scores the 5 time and i didnt even have time to find and kill someone. WTH?!
  9. Anyone? all i can find is files from my comp, i want file share files though
  10. For real? If this is true thats sooo dumb. But i dont beleive thats the case hear because I was up til 2 playing it and then woke up next morning and played and the xp was fine. Unless the whole XP reset starts at 3 or something
  11. Did you play halo 3? Sounds like youre having some BR problems. Head shots kill faster also so if youre lighting the body up and hes poping your head, you lose I have not had this issue at all also
  12. Im not sure how to really contact the employees of 343 so i figured id start a thread, plus i was also wondering if anyone else had this issue. Ive now played three games and afterwards get put straight to the matchmaking screen, and dont get shwon my xp gained. So i press start to view my current XP and its the same as before i finished the game!
  13. Reaper3751

    WHY DID I DIE!!!!

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