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Chris Schwantz

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Everything posted by Chris Schwantz

  1. First of all I have been a fan and have enjoyed halo intensely. I have related with every halo on so many levels. Nathan fillion, Allen tudyck, and so many reacuring characters made halo a continuous surprisè. This was an abomination. There was no comedic relief. The grunts didn't run and scream out in fear. The elites didn't yell at you just before you kicked their ass. There was no zippy comments from allies. There was very little sense of comradery. Changing the sounds of beloved weapons was a terrible idea. Not to mention the vehicles. The warthog was actually annoying. The storyline was good but needed more depth. The cinematics were great. I love watching the storyline but it could have included a lot more. I ran through halo 4 in 5 hours on legendary on my first try. I could have only had done that with halo 1 after a year of playing it. I found as though I was forced to feel intensity from the constant let down of my achievements. I would beat two waves of reinforcements against terrible odds and just before I could get a sense of accomplishment and relief, wave three would show up. It forced me to employ gorilla tactics as if I was a terrorist. This game incorporates details and shootem up style of gears of war. Halo is not gears. Halo is calm and precisive, gears is chaotic and dirty. That being said I love gears but that's what made them great and apart from each other. And where was the consistent halo theme. I was hoping to turn on the game and feel halo. That sound that makes you get all warm and fuzzy. This was a disaster. The weapon swapping between cinematics, instead of warming up an introduction to a newly introduced weapon. Or having any form of background on enemy advancements or enemy forces. Oooh not to mention how weak of the thoughts behind new enemy forces. Soo. They are a lambent grunt and a lambent cross between a elite and a infantry jackal. And head shots don't count for squat on minor elites anymore. This has been a horrible experience and a waste of my time. I can only hope the multiplayer may improve my opinion but I'm afraid to be disappointed yet again. I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way.
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