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Everything posted by rmobius

  1. As of 11 pm last night my SR was still resetting to 1 after every match, sometimes I would lose access to my loadouts during the match. Exiting to the dashboard and starting the game again would fix it for one match, but sometimes not even that long. Additionally Challenges and Commendations were not updating either. It's pretty disappointing to not be able to enjoy multiplayer. I feel like I'm at a disadvantage in addition to dropping behind in xp. Hopefully this will be fixed soon, otherwise I will have to return the game.
  2. Maybe resetting isn't right word, but being unable to use custom loadoats, earn commendation progress or complete challenges isn't any fun, from the 343 updates it seems like they're saying this has been mostly fixed. I'd appreciate anyone linking me to a better place to report this or a way to get in contact with 343 on how to resolve this issue.
  3. As of 11 pm last night my SR was still resetting to 1 after every match, sometimes I would lose access to my loadouts during the match. Exiting to the dashboard would fix it, but only for one match, sometimes not even that long. Additionally Challenges and Commendations were not updating either. It's pretty disappointing to not be able to enjoy multiplayer. I feel like I'm at a disadvantage in addition to dropping behind in xp. Hopefully this will be fixed soon, otherwise I will have to return the game.
  4. As of 11 pm last night my SR was still resetting to 1 after every match, sometimes I would lose access to my loadouts during the match. Additionally Challenges and Commendations were not updating either. It's pretty disappointing to not be able to enjoy multiplayer. I feel like I'm at a disadvantage in addition to dropping behind in xp. Hopefully this will be fixed soon, otherwise I will have to return the game.
  5. As of 11 pm last night my SR was still resetting to 1 after every match, sometimes I would lose access to my loadouts during the match. Additionally Challenges and Commendations were not updating either. It's pretty disappointing to not be able to enjoy multiplayer. I feel like I'm at a disadvantage in addition to dropping behind in xp. Hopefully this will be fixed soon, otherwise I will have to return the game.
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