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Posts posted by sicangu

  1. If you've played the campaign and have reached the conversation with the Librarian she talks about her and that's where she's referred to as a seed. As in a seed to victory, just like mc.


    ok gotcha now. probably would help if i had the game. lol. i have played it but not the campaign all the way through though i cheated and watched the cutscenes lol.

  2. Couldn't the librarian have made a copy of cortana? I'm a little confused as where the MC (and cortana) met the librarian. I realize it was somewhere inside a forerunner place but wasn't it digital? If it is digital, and physical people can move in and out of it like the MC did, then there we go. The librarian didn't make the MC immune to the composer (and maybe what it does) until AFTER the MC's genes got enhanced.The librarian WAS limited with time to explain to the MC everything that was going on. Maybe she made a copy of cortana, seeing as cortana is also one the forerunner's plan "seeds" as well and just didnt tell either the MC or cortana... so they both believed that was the end for cortana... causing us to maybe believe it as well. I dont think there's anything left over from cortana at the didact's now blown-to-bits ship though. I just don't think the the forerunners would go through the trouble of 1000 years of planning for the MC AND cortana just to kill cortana off hours/days later. :P


    If it was digital, cortana is only lost. Not gone forever. Forerunners are pretty thorough after all.


    I am confused about the highlighted please explain :)

  3. If she does comback it would defeat the purpose of her sacrifice.


    Ooorrrrr...a cool twist would be like in dragon age you could either decide to kill morigann or go with her...that would be cool if 343 industries did that. Decide if you bring cortana back or let her die. That way everyone's happy!

  4. to be honest i do miss the gregorian chant or whatever you want to call it that were in the past halos but i thought i wouldn't like the new music....but now i kind of do. It's a new approach, new story arc, and a different look and feel to the halo series. We aren't just focusing on fighting covenant, killing flood, and destroying hula hoops in space anymore lol. 4 Years have passed and new technology has emerged and so there are going to be some changes like how mysteriously music always plays when you are in a firefight....never understood how that happened considering that never happens IRL lol.

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  5. I think it go's without saying she will be back. She never actually "dies", just gets left behind is all.

    She's to big a character to kill and imagine the uproar with Halo fans if they did. Killing Cortana is like killing Chief in a sense.


    I think it go's without saying Cortana will be back. She never actually dies just gets left behind plus she

    is to big a character to kill. Imagine the uproar from Halo fans if she was gone for good.

    To many people have gone to love her character as to have they with Chief. Killing one or the other is like taking away the others best traits.

    She'll be back no doubt. Plus Chief promised to get her back. Find Halsey and she'll help to no end.


    I totally agree with you but 343 industries could still kill off john if they wanted to. An honorable death like saving humanity from extinction. I'd hate to see chief go out like sergeant Johsnon though. I would rather have him stay alive *IF* 343 industry *IS* thinking about killing him off. It's still an option they could take although I doubt it.

  6. The entire Halo series have always been centered around Cortana and Master Chief. It's his partner, the one he communicates with. Why would they take this away, if not just momentarily? There's no reason what so ever to kill off Cortana for good. It's always been about promises and keeping promises. Don't make a girl a promise you can't keep, right?


    Mark my words: John is gonna find her again. And I agree with the guy above me. The majority of Halo 5 will be in search of Cortana, or at least a way to get her back. I reckon maybe the game will end in a major cliffhanger where you either find her or they at least drop a huge hint that she's somewhere to be found. Halo 6 will probably be back to MC/Cortana, running and gunning as a team.


    underlined should be sent to 343 industries along with everyone saying that cortana should be saved. I like what was said here lol.



    At this point I'd even take her being able to fix Cortana and just make her a stable AI again.

    agreed. Even if she couldn't be made somehow into human form I would accept a stable ai at this juncture.


    I was confused too how she was able to touch the chief in the shield and how she was able to form a life size ai of herself. When she said that the rest of her was down there I thought she meant the light bridge or the fragmented pieces of the ship/computer

  8. Well one of the things that made me think that was in the videos you find in Halo C.E. Anv Edition was Guilty Spark talking about all the experements he had been programed to do over the Eons he was alone. Made me wonder what the other rings were doing, and if the Librarian wans't recieving the results herself or just working on the problem.

    That's a good point and perhaps the librarian was able to unlock tier 0 and she is able to revive cortana into human form.

  9. there are so many different ways for her to come back too. The terminal she was plugged into exploded just like the knight's death when you kill them, she is also in the diadact's computer system when she split herself to corrupt it, and the librarian for another route.

  10. I can deal with 343 not bringing her back in halo 5 but I think they will bring her back in halo 6. There are only 2 remaining characters from the original halo series and that's MC and Cortana so it would be silly just to say "hey..cortana's dead deal with it." There are so many possibilities that were already mentioned that 343 could use to bring her back.

  11. no NO no, halo 3 still had the best ending if you look real close it was the ending ever, every thing from sgt. jhonsons death to the music to the chief going back into hybernation, witch exactly how the story began. ******* beautiful, also the music was better


    in halo 4 their was too much back story and too much space magic, cortana die? he just got her back from the flood at the end of halo 3.


    your right though! they did throw their balls on the table. killing off one of the 2 main characters in the series in the first game?


    however, i havent seen one post that actually states yeah cortana is dead.... so maybe she isnt gone..... she better not be. cant have a halo game with her or the cheif .... well u cant have a good game.




    actually the fact that the ark was out side the range of the halo rings means that the forrunner escaped the halo's fireing.

    The highlighted are my thought's exactly. She just fades back into space and then we get a whiteout. The next image we see is MC floating in space.

  12. What do you mean where did I see that? It was where the cut scene where the Librarian was talking to M.C. they made a point of talking about how the Forerunners had been able to convert physical people to digital constructs, but hadn't mastered going the other way. Though this is a copy of the Librarian, theres nothing to say that she couldn't have been working on this over the time she spent on Requiem.

    ohhh ok i must have missed that. I usually put subtitles on cutscenes like that so I know what's going on. i just skipped ahead and watched the cutscenes on yt. However that is true though that she could have been working on how to go the other way.
  13. I can swallow the fact that they won't bring her back in the 5th game but I really hope they will bring her back in the 6th even if it's just for a second at the ending cutscene. like MC will find the human form of cortana and she will say "you found me" like she did in the previous halo. 343 is most likely going to play this out into some big finale and they might take some route like this one.

  14. When you first encounter the knights Cortana states that when you kill them they send out data and info in the explosions if u notice the console you put her chip into exploded in this way as well, according to this it is quite possible to retrieve all the data if Some certain super soldier where able to find where this cache was im sure he'd make good on his promise and make sure she was restored and safe. and that would be necessary only if she wasnt uploaded from the console into a network, It looks like there are quite a few possibilities to explore.




    Ive read many posts, wikis, and books all about halo and have never seen anything suggesting this, maybe you could post a link

    You sir get a like. I did notice the terminal exploding much like the knights "Death" explosion. So there is still the possibility that cortana's data is drifting about. Though my next question is a bit off topic. Are the knights human? Like what is up with the skulls?
  15. Where's Jen the voice of cortana? someone needs to email her and ask her if she is being hired on for the next couple of games and then someone needs to get on the inside of 343 and ask them in a discreet way "is cortana gonna be saved in a most epic manner?"

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  16. I saw the Librarian scene as the start of how they are going to explain bringing her back. The librarian, knowing the Didac isn't dead or won't be killed that easily, will repair her and upgrade her to help her "unlocked" M.C. He might get a new partner in the second game only to get Cortana back at some point later. Or the Librian just gives her a body after cracking the digital to biological code and making it work, and they go make tough, brilliant, solder babies together.

    where did you see that?
  17. Yes, in the end she goes through the final stasis and turns from an AI to human form. Look it up on halopedia or read the books.


    lol i haven't read the books yet. i wish i had them but i will read them. so is the final stasis your personal theory or is it in the books? how would you like the game to end? cortana and chief meeting up or chief meeting cortana again in the fifth installment?

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