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Everything posted by AN JUSTICE4 ALL

  1. are these retro-active I'm sure I've already done some of these by accident
  2. I read that these doritos codes can be used twice by different accounts. If this is true - can anyone share some with me. Being out of the country messed up my chances at this.
  3. I would love to have some. Thanks 4 the generosity.
  4. ah but it was - there was an entire building named after it in Firefight ( Unearthed ) so I guess the win is yours humpstyles: 3 Drestel313: 1 Liana: 1 Fiery Knight: 1 Chewin3: 1 Zaguroth: 1 Epic Announcer: 1 emeraldriver: 1 SternuS: 2 GrimmGirl: 1 AN JUSTICE4 ALL: 1 humpstyles turn !!
  5. OK, here goes : I'm the ultimate combo even found on Reach, Where many a noob even asked me to teach. Used especially by pros to show you their skill, Proved by many to be a one hit kill. I'm famous from 2 and wanted on 3 But sadly its gone, over-used by me What am I ?
  6. Exile FTW Tank beats everything, unless you are in it
  7. " and when I finally connected to xbox live it didn't register " this is the source of many a problem in h4 you must be connected to live at all times - for things to register
  8. you guys are really funny "What Power Outage?/ and No Easy Way Out " cheevos can't be done yet Episode 5 of Spartan Ops has not come out as yet but hey, don't let that stop you
  9. 343 thought they could fill bungie's shoes without hard work and true dedication lesson now being learned the HARD Way (pun intended)
  10. nasty is indeed the right word for this. lol
  11. How about when you try to run over a grunt with a ghost and instead of jumping out of the way, all he does is stay still, duck down and cover his head - maybe to pray (idk) - like that will stop anything ? funny everytime
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