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Everything posted by TornadoFlame

  1. oh my strafe is bad. move right left then jump back right. Lol. I find it more effective when i just stop midway and sit there. but as stated the massive hitboxes make it harder to strafe.
  2. what programs do you use to edit.make these videos?
  3. search jester snipes On youtube his aimbot was amazing to watch. xD
  4. why is mlg in the conversation? this is team throwdown. if anything its like hardcore. I Love all of it but team deluxe Never will touch that if i do i Leave I hate Op Dmr being a loadout weapon starting out The People leaving is annoying but understandable when your doing bad and theres no incentive to win people leave. Out of 6 matches only 1 of them was legitly 4v4. It doesn't help when 343 starts the game 4 on 2 or 3 on 4. -.-
  5. Instant respawn had been widely accepted? Why are playlist getting rid of instant respawn week in and week out? surely its not cause of feedback? Erm you have to play the game to understand the only reason these weapons are op is because they are loadout weapons. You see when Br is a starting weapon and dmr is pick up Its totaly fine. The Br is decent close range great midrange and decent long range The dmr is godly at every range. EVERY Range. like i said the Dmr is only overpowered when it is a loadout weapon Other than that its ok.
  6. halo 3 you could watch campaign multiplayer with 4 people reach you could watch campaign multiplayer with 1 person halo 4 you can only watch multiplayer with 1 person So halo 5 am i to exspect theater mode to be cut completely?
  7. with no incentive to win people don't put in mics much now.
  8. I just played about 5 games of these and i can honestly say This is halo now this is how it should have been done. Extraction on haven Was my first i ran with a friend. both my teammates quit out and one of theres did to No one joined us sadly but it was still great We lost 3-4 me and my friend got over 75 kills togather and the other team all went negative It was the first time i enjoyed a game of halo even tho i was losing. Team slayer br's Is the game and its how it should have been done. No More Op dmr in loadout you can pick it up which is really balanced. No more instant respawn OMG i can kill someone and not have them sprint to me when they spawn to finsh me thank god. I haven't tried team deluxe and i wont because I don't like having that op dmr in the loadouts Its unbalanced. Koth Runs really good with br start. Shut out was a good map. I wish they added oddball That was amazing to watch people. I'm glad 343 is taking steps to bring halo back to its roots The only thing we need now is social interaction and a soild ranking system which is coming soon then i can get all my friends and myself off mw3 to come back and burn there life on halo like in halo 3. A great start for 343. but still alot of work to be done.
  9. no ranking system and i still can not talk to the other team :/
  10. weapons are fine? that is why 1 gun can always dominate every other gun on every level of the game. The guns are extremely unbalanced. a larger majority would rather want instant respawn? so thats why everyones complaining about it and the population has went from 450k to a mere 45k. halo 3 maps are ok that seems your opionon. Yeah the op might have came out looking like rude or w/e but no reason for you to go on his level my good sir. there is alot of things wrong with this game and so few right.
  11. even the music sounded like star wars. That was my favorite part but it was just to cheesey.
  12. whats weird is i seem to have had more fun and replay value with n64, super nintendo games then i did with next gen games.
  13. "how can anything be bigger than halo" he must not have picked up halo 4 LOL. This looks really awesome x.x
  14. this is old news op most of us have already accepted halo 4 has to many flaws to be playable and simply do not play it anymore. Its useless to complain at this point your better off waiting to see if 343 realizes there mistake and makes halo 5. i fail to see why people need to change but this is a old arguement all we have to do is log in halo and look at the online activity and that speaks for it self sorry people feel the need to spend 60usd Then voice there concerns on games that are incomplete.
  15. ummm me and 3 friends did this in halo 4 and 3 didn't know it was really worth youtube so didn't film.
  16. using a armour ability to me that in previous games was a power up. to me means you have no idea how to play.. Oh your cool you can sit in the back of the map with a sniper invis. Lolz. whats next oversheild being a AA and people think there pro for using that to?
  17. i heard so to. Honestly it was all about playing. i could have shared my gamertag with 5 people in different timezones and won the truck. A tournament with no skill involved. if the game was like halo 3 and took much more skill i might have tried this challanage but i couldn't play this game for more then a hour.
  18. i do this with my friend because we can socialy interact with the other people. I've had people talk crap to me claiming they were millionares and College Players going into the nfl draft such it is very funny. We do kill each other Sometimes. But Mostly it is for fun. We usualy just stay away from each other and clear the map out cause we are both pretty soild players.
  19. we all moved cause bungie and 343 have yet to make a amazing game as halo 3 or give us enough replayability.
  20. tried this million times never has worked.
  21. i love em they make me realize how annoying this game has gotten and i can't wait for oversheild to be a AA.
  22. um they changed guns bro i haven't played as much cod to go into what is changed and not but it sells so it works.. gameplay wise cod is a game that companies need to look at and apply. Change is good but look at the small change in cod and still it gives amazing success. Now look at halo. From halo 3 to reach a massive change and in a year it was dead.. From 3 to 4 Now almost everything was changed and were in month 5 and lets face in from a halo standpoint this game is dead. This is a MM conversation we do not care about the 4 hour campaign we beat were on the mm issue. I may complain about issues but i don't feel i'm complaining because i'm bad Most of the time I'm winning and going postive and still have issues with this game.
  23. No i should beat you because i got a better spawn or rockets happened to spawn next to me randomly! lolz xD about that cod comment or w/e i simply said in terms of sales and online activity cod mw3 is more populated then halo 4 now.. :/
  24. i can see it now preorder halo 5 and get a new oversheild armour ability!
  25. I'd rather camp in a corner with my shotgun instead of my sniper constantly going 90 degrees in the air when i zoom in.
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