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Everything posted by TornadoFlame

  1. mid to long range = dmr close to mid = br To me the dmr is basicaly a sniper i use the br unless its a big map ;D
  2. the people who complain just care about the game but its nice to know your whining about the whiners xD
  3. sprinting just promotes everyone sprinting to double beat down... but i agree this is more cod then halo. It's sad that if they just make it classic this game would probably top cod but i think if it doesn't go in the direction of Halo cod will dominate halo easily :/
  4. they just need to add weapons on the map this isn't cod where it takes 5 bullets to kill people takes half a clip. or more. and get rid of insta spawning so you are rewarded for killing the team.
  5. problems with h4 1. no weapons ammo on maps, Promotes camping 2.instant respawn gives bad and good players a chance to win 3. ordance drops. they should just give it to people who get 5 kills in a row and put weapons back on map not for any 5 kills i think it is. Love the game i think if fixed right can be a much better game then halo 3 343 just has to take the right steps in making halo the top game played again.
  6. i wanna play halo 4 not play call of duty with sheilds... this game is turning into cod :/
  7. i guess i can stop team shotting because its a waste of ammo. Heck who needs teamwork no ammo on the map no reason to shoot it at anyone but the person your fighting.
  8. we need a ranking system or this will just be another reach sadly. reach is the reason i bough my cod games
  9. the no ammo on the maps is very dumb i am constantly putting shots into everyone then running out of ammo and just killing myself this needs to be fixed but i have fate it will be.
  10. pros br is back campaign is good aside from the ending cons no visable ranking system 60percent of matchmaking is just messed up.
  11. halo 3 is the only game i bough every dlc for because of how much i loved it. I'm liking halo 4 so far but the more i play it the more i just hope we get are ranking system visable one with a legit gametypes and not this ordance drops and random map drops or instant respawns. I hope i don't have to buy black ops 2 because a game company can not listen to its fan base.
  12. here are the problems i have with halo 4 1. No ammo on the maps for my weapon. What is this i kill 3 people only to have to die because i have ran out of ammo i shouldn't have to beable to go loot peoples body for ammo this is halo where are the weapons on the map! 2.drop in drop out. this is a 50/50 feature for me. i dced in a game with friends and because of this joined in but when i go in alone i join into peoples who are down by to much to come back i think we need a option when searching if we wanna drop in or out of games this helps all because if your in a game and someone quit u can just invite a friend to help you out and i wont have to suffer a kd and a loss on my record because i joined a game being down 20. 3. This game MUST HAVE a RANKED VISABLE playlist. i do not care how it is done this is the sole reason i spent 2 weeks on reach and 3-4 years on halo 3 i should not have to exit out of halo 4 after every game only to go see if my rank went up. this is the make or break in halo 4 if black ops ranking system is good and visable and halo 4 is not i feel it will be goodbye halo 4... 4. randon weapon spawning.. In a team game map controll is key and holding power weapons this element out currently is nothing i have played many people who just sit and camp at there spawn because everything is random. this needs to go back to halo we need weapon on the maps power weapons. 5. death cams i know death cams useless because 50 percent of the time they don't work. 6. i am fine with the load outs because it seems in slayer pro its Not there so casual get something which is fun and competetive community gets are settings. 7. 4 people can't veiw my video on h4 is it still only 1 now? this is dumb i don't ever plan to go to threater with myself i liked to go with friends to who them so they see what i see and i know they see it with me. 8. custom k/d all i can say is Really? these are the problems i have with the game don't get me wrong This game is fun and amazing i think they did what reach failed to do in terms of everything. reach is the reason i decided to buy and get into the crapy call of duty games. but i feel if halo 4 ranking system is only waypoint no one can see it and i can not compare my skills to the emeny team i am playing i will have to go to black ops 2 to get a ranking system.. and i preordered h4 and only rented black ops 2 i hope 343 does the right thing and just gives us what we want.
  13. i don't understand why they can't just put it next to are name like halo 3 and 2. Halo 4 is a 2 disc game they should beable to do this and not use a 3rd party program you have to leave halo 4 go to the dashboard then waypoint to see if we went up 1 level or not... :/
  14. a ranking system is a must for halo's survival in my eyes. i remenber spending over 3-4 years on halo 3 starting out as a badkid and finally learning and playing the game enough to get my first 50. i remenber buying halo reach i was pumped. No br was upseting but i figured well maybe it can still be fun.. i touched the game for only 2 weeks then haven't touched it since the ranking system on there is useless and that is why the game died. halo 3 still had over 20 thousand people playing while halo reach was out. the only reason i Bough a *** game Like call of duty was because of bungies poor effort to imply a ranking system at which i felt was competetive enough no one never had team work or anything. i Hate Call of duty but i still play it because halo reach failed. I think what determines if halo 4 will be the top game or not is the ranking system if black ops 2 manages to Make a VISABLE ranking system better then halo 4 they will move. Now me i Would enjoy and love a visable ranking system because when i enter a game i wanna compare the other teams stats ranks wins loses to myself to see how i stand with them. i Don't wanna play with 3 friends in a playlist win and be like Lets go to halo waypoint to see if we went up after every single game i mean we have to go to a 3rd party program to check this why? no one should go to a 3rd party program to see a system ranking that should be in a game with 2 disk. people always cheat yeah but cheating is in any game. I ENJOY and love halo 4 i think they did everything right that bungie failed to do in reach. This is 343 if we get a visable ranking system it will top black ops 2 but if we do not i feel sadly ill have to revert back to the crappy franchise. and thank you 343 for making halo 4 the matchmaking is the only thing needed to be fix everything else is amazing
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